Thy glory, Lord, is mine — the light
That beams upon Thy lustrous brow;
For changed into its image bright
I yet shall be, as Thou art now!
Thy rich inheritance is mine;
Joint heir with Thee of worlds above;
Lord, in Thy kingdom I shall shine,
And reign with Thee in endless love.
Thy fullness, Lord, is mine — for oh!
That fullness is a fount as free
As it is inexhaustible!
Jehovah’s boundless gift to me!
My Christ! Oh sing, ye heaven of heavens!
Let every angel lift his voice;
Sound with ten thousand harps His praise;
With me, ye heavenly host, rejoice!
With tears, with songs, with holy psalms,
With daily love, with odors sweet,
With broken heart, with outstretched arms,
I’ll pour my praises at Thy feet.
Things New and Old, 11:64