Thy Love Alone

 •  1 min. read
Oh! I am weary of my love,
That doth so little t’wards Thee move;
Yet do I constantly groan,
To know the depth of all Thine own.
That groan, sweet Spirit, is from Thee,
Nor self-begotten e’er can be;
No natural heart, dear Lord, of mine
Could long to lose itself in Thine.
Ο love of loves, for me that died;
The love of Jesus crucified!
Who lowly took His part with me,
That I as one with Him might be.
Loved, and forever on Thy throne
Adored, and loved, Thou timeless One;
Thou wilt thro’ one eternal day,
The height and depth of all display.
Meanwhile, Thou precious, wondrous Lamb
Content—at least with this I am,
To count my love too mean to own,
And know but Thine—” Thy love alone”
J. D. S.