WHILE waiting one morning at a large station for a train to convey me further north, I was suddenly startled by a great commotion at the extreme end of the platform.
A train had just dashed in, and been brought to a standstill, when a number of men appeared, carrying the body of a platelayer, who had fallen a victim to his own rashness and folly.
He had been working, with some others, on the line at the entrance to the station. The warning signal from the approaching train had cleared the line of all but this daring man, who thought he might venture a little longer; but just as he made the spring to cross the line the huge engine struck him, leaving his crushed and inanimate body prostrate on the “six-foot way.”
As we beheld his lifeless and mangled corpse being borne into one of the waiting-rooms, we could not but wonder that men could be found so foolhardy as thus to sport with their precious lives; and yet why wonder at this, when all around us today men and women are hurrying on at railroad speed down the broad, steep incline, whose terminus is the pit of perdition. “Wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and MANY there be which go in thereat.” (Matt. 7:13).
Whether he was a saved or an unsaved man we know not, but this we do know, if his soul were not safely sheltered before that fatal moment arrived his doom for all eternity was sealed.
“In the place where the tree falleth, there it shall be.” (Ecc. 11:3).
Oh, reader, let this solemn little incident sound a warning note in your ear! Had the engine delayed another second he would have been out of the reach of danger, but he lingered too long, and paid a heavy penalty. He was warned, but he disregarded the timely signal; while his companions wisely gave heed to it and reached a place of safety.
Unsaved reader, have you ever weighed it carefully, that every moment of your life you are running a terrible risk? Any moment that soul of yours (of more value than worlds, Matt. 16:26) may be called to cross time’s boundary-line, and enter the portals of eternity. Is it not high time for you to look this matter honestly in the face? Sooner or later you must meet God about your SINS—sins of your childhood, of your youth, of your old age, flagrant, deep-dyed, long-forgotten sins, all will be brought to your remembrance. The God with whom you have to do is of purer eyes than to behold evil, and cannot look upon iniquity. (Hab. 1:13). Yet fear not to own the whole truth in His presence, for He who knows your every thought and motive, who is acquainted with all the dark details of your life’s history, is now a Prince and a Saviour at God’s right hand, and it is of Him the Scriptures testify, “This is a faithful saying, and worthy of all acceptation, that Christ Jesus came into the world to SAVE SINNERS.” (1 Tim. 1:15). Yes, from yonder throne of glory Jesus, the Son of God, speaks today. Fearlessly trust Him. HE MEANS WHAT HE SAYS. “Hath He said, and shall He not do it? or hath He spoken, and shall He not make it good?” (Num. 23:19). He has pledged His word, that if you come to Him as a soul-thirsty SINNER He will more than satisfy your deepest cravings. “Ho, every one that thirsteth, come ye to the waters.” (Isa. 55) Do you ask, How am I, a poor guilty worthless sinner, to come in for the blessing? It is simply by trusting the gracious Blesser.
To you, it is without money and without price, but think what it cost the holy Son of God to place it within your reach! Think of the agony of His soul in yonder garden, at the there contemplation of the bitter cup He was about to drain. (Luke 22:40-44). Follow Him from Gethsemane to Golgotha. See Him on that central cross between two malefactors. Hear that bitter cry from amidst the darkness, where the righteous judgments of God are breaking in upon His holy soul, “My God, My God, why hast Thou forsaken Me?” (Matt. 27:46).
Can you be an unmoved spectator of that wondrous scene where Jesus suffers for sins not His own? He took upon Himself the punishment due to our sins, and now that a full payment has been made to God’s infinite satisfaction He is offering poor sinners today, through faith in His finished work, a full, present, and an eternal salvation. “I will give unto him that is athirst of the fountain of the water of life freely.” (Rev. 21:6).
G. F. E.