Going into a room one evening I saw two objects lying on the table, a watch and a ring.
Now I want these two objects to speak to us, and what do you think they will teach us?
Looking at the watch we think of time, and the ring, because it has no beginning or end, reminds us of eternity. So we have two things which we see every day speaking to us of time and eternity.
None of us know when time for us will be over and then eternity will commence. So now is the time to think of eternity to come to the Saviour, to put your trust in Him.
When the Lord Jesus was here He said to one, “Make haste and come down,” and this man obeyed right away, and received such a wonderful blessing.
The Lord Jesus is in heaven now, but still He invites boys and girls to come to Him, to come now before it is too late, before eternity starts for them, so we read,
“Now is the day of salvation.” 2 Cor. 6:2.
As I look at the ring, it seems to ask this question.
“Where will you spend eternity?”
One Sunday evening a young lady went to a Gospel Meeting. At the close this hymn was sung,
“Where will you spend eternity?
This question comes to you and to me;
Tell me, what will your answer be?
Where will you spend eternity?”
She could not get these words out of her mind, and they made her feel very unhappy, for she was not saved. For days they kept running through her mind, until at last she was brought to the Lord Jesus, owning herself a sinner, and believing that He died for her. Then she was filled with joy, and could think of eternity without a fear or a dread, knowing that her sins were all forgiven, and she would then be with the Saviour who had given His life for her.
Now my young friends, can you answer this question,
If you trust in the Lord Jesus, believing that He died for you, then you will spend eternity with Him in heaven. There is danger in delay, so I would urge you all to take heed now.
Some years ago a ship was returning to England, and in the middle of the ocean one of the soldiers fell overboard. There was some moments delay before the ship was stopped and there was now quite a distance between the soldier and the ship.
One of the ship’s officers had thrown in the track of the vessel three life-buoys one after the other. The soldier was a good swimmer but he was getting tired. When he approached the first life-buoy he ignored it and he did the same with the second. Then to the horror of those on board, the last life-buoy seemed to be drifting past him, when the captain, speaking through a trumpet, called out “TURN ROUND! A LIFE-Buoy CLOSE BEHIND YOU!” He heard; seized it and was saved, and soon he was safe on board.
As he was lying on the deck, he opened his eyes, and seeing the captain, he whispered, “Ah! Captain, if I hadn’t heard that last call!” And then he fainted. What a mercy indeed it was that he heeded that last warning and was thus saved from a watery grave. May each of you heed God’s warning voice; as you look at the watch and the ring, may you be able to say, “I am saved for time and eternity.”
ML 04/16/1939