Time's Sowing and Eternity's Reaping

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IT is as plainly seen in the lives of God’s children as in the Book they dearly cherish, that whom He loves He chastens. Now it you are unconverted, we have one serious question to ask you. It is this: If God is thus dealing with those who trust Him and love Him, when they sin: if in this world they are allowed to feel the consequences of their disobedience when it occurs―to reap what they sow―what kind of reaping will yours be in eternity, for a lifetime of sin and hardened unbelief? “The time is come that judgment must begin at the house of God; and if it first begin at us, what shall the end be of them that obey not the gospel of God?” (1 Peter 4:17). Do bear with me while I solemnly remind you of what the end will be: for if the door be shut upon you as you are, most certainly will you reap in hell all you have sown on earth, and the consequences of your sin will be ETERNAL! Oh, what a reaping! Listen.
You are determined at all cost to cling to your sins. Alas! how closely will their memory cling to you in perdition.
You “love darkness,” and the blackness of darkness for over awaits you.
You choose the companionship of godless sinners; their laugh and their joke are your delight. But remember there will be no society in hell. In the “outer darkness” you will never see your sinful associates; bound “hand and foot” you will never reach them. You may hear their remorseful wail, but never again their empty laugh.
The company of real Christians you carefully shun. In eternity you will be as far from them as the fixed gulf and your own sins can separate you.
You listen to your soul’s great enemy, utterly regardless of the pleading voice of Jesus. But there will be one word from His holy lips which you will be compelled both to listen to and to obey―that dreadful word DEPART―and from that moment never again will you hear His voice throughout hell’s dreary night. You will find, moreover, that the one you did listen to―your deceptive murderer has reached the lake of fire before you. (Read Revelation 20:10-12.)
Oh, beware lest such a doom be yours! Repent of your sins before it is TOO LATE; own your guilt before God. He waits to be gracious to you, and if you believe in Him who shed His precious blood for you, “He will abundantly PARDON.”