13. —Many thanks for your letter. We are much encouraged to hear from many sources that the study of the subjects selected for the class has been used for blessing.
F. C. —We do not think it would be practicable to carry out your suggestion: it would require the whole of our space.
W. E. —We have put your name down in the class, but we must ask you to explain your last question a little more fully, as we do not understand it.
N. —A Revision of the Old Testament is being proceeded with, but no date is yet fixed for its publication.
W. J. H. —The division allotted should at least be searched through, but any member of the Class is quite at liberty to take up more than one division.
F. E. le. P. —Your first question is not clear enough.
E. R. —Asking questions is not limited to members of the Class.
Communications received from J. G. S. Y; T. S., and others. As will be seen from the notice given earlier, we hope next month to be air, to devote more space to the papers received from various correspondents.