To Me to Live - Christ

 •  1 min. read
To live is Christ
Henceforth for me,
My one desire
His face to see;
Morn, noon, and night, ‘tis He alone
Who fills my heart with joy unknown.
Where’er I go
May Christ be seen,
That all may know
With Him I’ve been.
Although it bring reproach and shame,
He’ll keep me true to His blest name.
I want to know
Him better here,
While pressing on
To reach Him there,
Himself the mark, Himself the prize.
That speeds my steps, attracts mine eyes.
From where He is
In glory there,
I watch for Him
Soon to appear;
The “ little while” will soon be gone
And I shall see His face ere long.
A “ little while,”
Then shall be heard
His welcome “ shout”—
His “ quickening word”—
Then shall I see Him face to face,
Where shines the glory of His grace.
Until these eyes
My Savior see,
His path down here
My path must be.
“ Outside the camp” I follow on—
Because it leads to where He’s gone.
Though hosts of foes
My way impede,
His arm of strength
s all I need;
With girded loins I still press on,
For Christ my inmost heart hath won.
‘Tis sweet to tread
The path He trod,
Learning of Him
To walk with God.
His cross behind—His home before—
Himself to-day and evermore.
L. W.