SOME time ago I desired to go from O. to S. which was seven miles across the bay. So I walked down to the pier and stepped on board the ferry-boat. In a few moments the departing whistle blew. Glancing up the street just at that moment, I saw a man running with all his might to catch the boat. He rushed on the wharf panting for breath, with an excited and disappointed look on his face. For he was too late! We had just drawn out from the pier, about twenty feet; he could not leap the chasm, so he was left behind. But why was he so anxious to catch that boat? It was not the only boat that week; no, nor that day, for boats were going to S. every half hour. As we coursed on our way to S., where he so desired to go, I watched him fade away in the distance and I thought what a solemn word, “Too late!” Then I thought of the five foolish virgins that the Lord Jesus tells us about in the 25th chapter of Matthew, who were too late.
Now, dear children, I want you to read in this chapter for yourselves, from the first verse down to the fourteenth, and you will see these five virgins were like this man. He wanted to go to S. on that boat but he was “too late.” They wanted to go to the marriage but they were “too late.” “The door was shut.” How sad! Now, some of you children, who read this paper want to go to heaven, and you must not be, like those people, “too late.” “Behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation.” Jesus says, “I am the way,” and He is the only way. “I, even I, atm the Lord; and beside Me there is no Saviour.” There was only one ark in Noah’s day, and there is just one Ark of refuge now, and that is Jesus. “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved.”
Accept Him now, and if Jesus comes to night, you will not be like the five foolish virgins, “too late.”
Too late, too late; O, solemn word, It shall with fear and woe be heard By those who would not hear His call, Who suffered, bled and died for all.
Too late, too late to enter heaven, Too late to have your sins forgiven; Too late to see the Bridegroom’s face, To hear His words of love and grace.
Too late, too late, O, children dear, These words I hope you’ll never hear; Too late, too late shall not be heard By those who trust in Christ the Lord.
C. C. C.
“But God commendeth His love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.” Rom. 5:8.
ML 08/27/1899