Boom! What was that? In the stillness of the night the signal is sent, waking everyone out of sleep. Boom! Louder this time The lifeboat call; someone in distress, in danger!
A moment or two later, the patter of running footsteps is heard and the brave crew are hurrying to take their places in the boat. Donning their oilskins and lifebelts with the aid of willing hands, everyone is soon ready and the coxswain giving the word, the boat is released and running down the slipway, plunges into the sea on this errand of mercy.
The crowd melts away and returns home, but the men in the lifeboat are, using every effort to reach the vessel in distress. It is a small sailing boat which has overturned and the men are clinging to it in hope that help may reach them. But the waves are too much the exposure too long and both of them at last are drawn into the water to lose their lives at sea.
The lifeboat arrives but it is too late to save the men. They have perished. So,they take the sailing boat in tow and bring it to shore, a silent token which has a voice for each one of us that two more have been called into eternity, to await that time when the sea will give up its dead (Rev. 20:13).
All the energy and haste of the lifeboat crew proved to be in vain. They were too late! We must praise and admire these brave and unselfish men who go forth at a moment’s call to rescue others who are in need, whether day or night.
And what are your thoughts of Him Who came in response to a great cry of distress to save our souls lest we should sink into the waters of death without hope, unsaved, lost?
The Lord Jesus left the throne of glory and came down into the water of death to save, and there is still time to be saved today. God says NOW, not yesterday, not tomorrow, but NOW, this very moment. This golden opportunity is yours now. Will you let Him save you now? He is ready and willing, and has come all the way to where you are to save you.
To refuse, may be fatal. The moment may pass, and as far as you are concerned, you will not have another opportunity. O, embrace this golden moment, for, your eternal life depends upon it, and accept the salvation in Christ Jesus our Lord.
“The wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.” Roomans 6:23.
ML 03/11/1945