David and Michael were the first two boys to arrive at school that morning. They were both good at the game of marbles and wanted to play each other again. So while they waited for the bell to ring, they drew a chalk circle on the blacktop and crouched down to begin their game.
Soon the schoolyard began to fill with students, and the air rang with noisy shouts and laughter. The noise level rose until suddenly the bell rang, and the students lined up and filed into their classrooms.
The sudden quiet made David and Michael jump up, scattering their marbles. Where had everybody gone? Quickly gathering up their marbles, they raced for the school door, but they were late. They had arrived in the schoolyard in plenty of time, intending to go in when the bell rang, but they were so absorbed in their marble game that they put off going into school. Now they would get a scolding from their teacher and be marked tardy.
Are you doing just what David and Michael did? You know you are a sinner. You know the Lord Jesus died on the cross and shed His blood to save sinners. You know you need to accept Him as your Saviour, but you think, There is still time left. I don't want to stop what I'm doing right now ... I'll do it later.
The Bible warns us that “they that were ready went in with him ... and the door was shut” (Matthew 25:10). Those who were left behind could never get in. The door was shut forever.
Of course, David and Michael got into school even though they were late, but if you put off accepting the Lord Jesus as your Saviour, you may be shut out of heaven forever!
When the Lord Jesus comes again to call all those who belong to Him to be with Him in heaven, the door to heaven will be permanently shut. No one will be able to quietly creep in later. It will be too late forever! Won't you accept the Lord Jesus right now? “Behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation” (2 Corinthians 6:2).