Transparency Without Fear

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 12
“Jehovah, Thou hast searched me, and known me” (Psa. 139:1 JnD).
“Giving thanks to the Father, who has made us fit for sharing the portion of the saints in light” (Col. 1:12 JnD).
This morning I was enjoying the thought in Colossians 1:12 when I realized how hard we labor at times to hide who we really are from friends, brethren, and, saddest of all, even from our spouses. We sometimes live in fear that some past, private failure in our life (which has been confessed to the Lord and forgiven by the Lord) might suddenly become public knowledge, causing even those who love us most to be at least temporarily stumbled or disillusioned by knowing of such things.
But, how liberating to know that all the blaze of the coming glory will never discover anything that the blood of Christ has not put away to the eternal glory of the Father. I can come with total liberty into His holy presence. He knows my downsitting and uprising and is acquainted with all my ways. He didn’t save me because of what I tried to appear to be before men, but because He knew all about the darkest secrets of my life and yet sovereignly loved me and gave His Son to provide a righteous basis on which He could make me fit for His holy presence.
So at the end of Psalm 139, David says, “Search me, O God, and know my heart: try me, and know my thoughts” (Psa. 139:23).
R. K. Gorgas (adapted)