A grand event will soon take place, dear children, for which Christians eagerly wait it is the return of the Lord Jesus Christ. But this event, which will introduce believers into eternal happiness, will be the forerunner of the judgement for all those, young or old, who have refused to receive Jesus as their Saviour.
The child of who, I am going to write was ready to meet the Lord at His coming for he said,
“I trust Him now, and long for the time when I shall be with Him.”
Albert had often thought how he would like to be among those who will be living when the Lord comes. But it was God’s good pleasure that he should first pass through death, and that after much suffering. But God gave him patience in his pain, and he did not murmur, because his soul was in peace. He once said to his mother, who reminded him of the sufferings of Christ,
“Ah! mine are nothing beside His, and I can bear them patiently for Him.”
It was not only when Albert was ill that he thus witnessed for Jesus, for before his illness his daily conduct showed that he had passed from death unto life. Not that he was always sad. O, no! Like other children he was bright and cheerful, but he had found a happiness above any that the world can furnish, and he could say, “Life is sweet, but Jesus is much more precious.”
No doubt: you say, “Life is sweet,” but can you add, “Jesus is much more precious”? To know and love Jesus will not make your life less happy. On the contrary, a brightness will illuminate it which will last through all eternity.
One day Albert asked his mother to sing a hymn commencing—
“Nothing, O Lord, now Thee I know,
Can satisfy me here below,”
and he sang as long as his feeble voice would allow him. His mother also sang—
“Jesus, our Redeemer, soon will take is home;
For His waiting loved ones He from heaven will come.”
“Yes,” said Albert, “that will be a happy moment. I am ready to go with Him.” Dear children, can each of you say, “I trust Him now?” Albert is now with Jesus, and his parents are waiting for the day when they will meet him in the presence of the Lord. Will you be there? Jesus is coming. Are you ready to meet Him? Come to Him now, and you will be ready Jesus has said,
“Him that cometh to Me I will in no wise cast out.” John 6:37.
ML 05/12/1940