Remember thy Creator now,
Yes, in thy youthful days,
O trust the blessed Savior’s blood,
And walk in His blest ways.
Therefore the heart is hardened
With sins and worldly care,
My little reader trust in Christ,
You will find safety there.
The Savior’s paths are pleasantness,
And all His ways are peace,
O, trust the Savior’s precious blood,
And you’ll find rest and ease.
The Savior died for sinners,
O, God’s word do not doubt,
The Savior says who come to Him
He will not cast them out.
When He was Man of sorrows
Upon this earth of woe,
He used to bless dear children,
For He did have them so;
He took them in His arms,
Would them His blessing give,
I say again, O trust Him now,
Believe in Christ and live.
No doubt some readers older
And grown up unto youth,
Forget now all about the Lord
And His blest word of truth.
You know you are a sinner
Unfit to dwell with God,
O, trust the Savior for your all,
And tread the heavenly road.
And still by chance there may be one
Who’s yet in manhood’s bloom,
Careless about his precious soul,
Mixed up with earthly gloom.
The Savior’s invitation is,
O, come to Me and rest,
O trust the Savior’s precious blood,
And he Forever blest.