How sweet the peace of a perfect trust
In God’s sure love to me!
I cannot harbor any doubt
Since Jesus died for me!
The love that “spared not His Son!”
Will with Him freely give
All that is needful for me here;
And bids me ask and have.
God must be true to His own Word,
Though I may failing be;
And so I know whate’er betide,
“He chooseth best for me.”
‘Tis by His grace I have believed,
On His Beloved Son!
The One who suffered on the tree,
Now seated on the throne!
My trust is in the living God,
His written Word is mine:
Begone! ungrateful doubts and fears,
My heart will here recline.
“All things are yours,” for “ye are Christ’s,”
What joy these words afford!
Not what I am, but, what He is,
Makes faith and hope so bold.
While faith obeys the gracious word,
“Cast all your care on Me.”
Hope brightens with expectancy,
Because “He cares for thee.”
Then will I trust and never fear,
Since love so great and free
Is unto me most surely given:
“He chooseth best for me.”