JOHNNIE wanted to know what it meant to “trust Jesus.”
“Well,” said mother, “last night, when you wrote that letter to your father, what did you do with it?”
“Mary took me to post it, and as I could not reach up to the slit in the box, she lifted me up, and I just dropped it in the box, and we came away home.”
“But did you not wait till the postman came and watch him take it out of the box and take it to the sorting office?”
“No, mother dear. Mary said it would be all right, so we just dropped it in and left it.”
“Well, dear, surely that is a sample picture of trust in the Post Office and its officials. You could not follow the letter all the way to father, so you trusted the Government to take it.”
So, Jesus says, “Come unto Me.” Matt. 11:28. Although you do not understand all about it, you trust Him, accept His invitation, come to Him, and find His promise true, “I will give you rest.”
You trust father and mother and Sunday school teacher when they make promises. You may not know how they are going to fulfil their promise, but they know and do it, and you are satisfied. So with the Saviour. He loved you, He died for you, He rose again, He ever lives, He will save you the moment you trust Him. None who trust Him are ever disappointed.
May you be enabled to venture your all upon the Lord Jesus Christ, and say with an honest heart,
“I will trust, and not be afraid.” Isa. 12:2.
ML 04/18/1937