Trusted One Million Times

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On a busy street in the South there is a drug store which has carried on business for many years. One day the druggists placed all their prescriptions in the window of the store with a sign over them which read, “Trusted one million times!” People had trusted that drug store to give them the right medicine one million times, and this was a good reason for others to trust it in the future.
Although the people who had their prescriptions filled at this drug store had trusted them to do the dispensing accurately, no doubt there were many who did not recover from their illnesses. The doctors did the best they could to proscribe the right medicines, the druggists were as careful as they could be, but God is the One who gives life, and He alone can preserve life. All is in His hands “seeing He giveth to all life, and breath, and all things.” Acts 17:25.
But there is something more important than life in this world, which is only for a short time. If people can trust a drug store, how much more can we trust the One who has given us our life. He has not only told us about life here, but also about life after death, and the way of entrance to heaven. We are all sinners, afflicted with a disease far worse than any disease known to medical science; but at great cost to Himself, God has provided the remedy. He sent His only begotten Son to die on the cross of Calvary, there to bear the judgment of God against sin that we might be saved. His Word declares, “The blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanseth us from all sin.” 1 John 1:7.
The drug store of which we are speaking could say it had been trusted one million times, but there are millions upon millions who have trusted in the Lord Jesus Christ down through the years, and He has never failed. All who have come to Him for salvation have been cleansed from every sin. The “cure” has never failed, and He has never turned one away. Dear reader, have you come to Him? The druggist charges those who trust him, and sometimes his medicine is very costly, but God’s salvation is free to all.
“But I trusted in Thee, O LORD: I said, Thou art my God.” Psalm 31: 14.
ML 07/29/1956