Two inquiring women, sisters, came to see me. They had heard the gospel and had been deeply impressed by it. I asked them, “Have you really and truly believed in the Lord Jesus Christ? Are you saved?”
One of them answered, “I have been trying hard to believe.”
“No,” I said, “that will not do. Did you ever tell your father that you tried to believe him?”
They admitted that such language would have been an insult to their father.
I then begged them, in as simple language as I could find, to believe Jesus, who is more worthy of faith than the best of fathers. One of them said, “I cannot be sure, I cannot believe I am saved.”
I answered: “God says that whosoever trusts in His Son is saved. Will you make Him a liar now, or will you believe His Word?”
While I spoke, one of them exclaimed in astonishment, “Oh, I see it all! I am saved! Oh, do thank Jesus for me! He has shown me the way! He has saved me! I see it now!”
The change that comes over the heart when the understanding grasps the gospel is often reflected in the face and shines like the light of heaven. Such newly enlightened people have often exclaimed, “Why, it is so plain! Why didn’t I see it before? I understand what I read in the Bible now, though I never could before.”
In fact, the truth is always plain and simple, but so many are looking for signs and wonders in themselves. Therefore they cannot see the One who is near them—Christ Jesus ever at hand, ready and waiting to become the light of life to all who will receive Him. Childlike trust in Him opens the eyes of the heart to see and understand His Word.
Will you believe Him now? If you take Him by faith, you have Him and no one can take Him from you. Throw away your doubts and receive Him at once!
As many as received Him,
to them gave He power
to become the sons of God,
even to them that
believe on His name.
John 1:12