She was an old Chinese woman and stood balancing herself on her tiny bound feet with the aid of a cane. She was listening intently to a missionary who was telling the story of Jesus to a group of native women.
"That sounds wonderful," she said to herself, "but the foreigner must be mistaken. I will ask the Chinese woman who is with the missionary if the story is true."
"Yes, it is true," said the Chinese woman in answer to her question, "and I will come and see you and tell you more."
The next day the Chinese woman went to call on her new acquaintance. She spent an hour telling her the gospel story and about the true God. Finally the old lady grasped the truth of the beautiful story and owned that great joy, and peace filled her heart.
A few nights later she had a strange dream. A bright light seemed to fall across the floor of her room and the idols on the shelf began to move. Then a figure who she knew must be Jesus stood in the doorway. To her amazement, all the idols scrambled down from the shelf. "Where are you going?" she asked them.
"When Jesus comes in, we have to get out," they replied.
When the old lady awoke, she had learned a new lesson. When Jesus comes into our hearts the old idols of the world must get out. Our affections must be set on things above. Like the Thessalonians, she now turned whole-heartedly to God from idols to serve the living and true God.