Turtles and Tortoises: Part 2

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The Wonders of God’s Creation
“O give thanks to the Lord ... .To Him who alone doeth great wonders: for His mercy endureth for ever.” Psalm 136:3, 4
In the rivers of the Mississippi Valley, the alligator snapping turtle makes its home. Measuring about four feet from its snout to the end of its tail and weighing about 150 pounds, it is considered the ugliest and most dangerous of all turtles. Three rows of rough bony ridges run from front to back on its yellowish top shell. In the water it makes its meals of frogs, fish, worms and even small turtles and is swift as a rattlesnake in capturing them. It does not attack humans unless annoyed, but its immense jaws could bite a man’s arm or foot off.
It has an interesting way of catching fish. Lying in a quiet spot at the bottom of a stream or pond, its wide-open mouth exposes a tongue on which a piece of pink flesh, looking like an angle-worm, wriggles back and forth. This makes an effective bait, attracting small fish which hope to make a meal of the “worm.” So right into the turtle’s mouth one swims, and you guessed it — instead of getting a meal, it becomes a meal.
Another interesting one is the gopher tortoise, named for the extra-long tunnel it digs with a roomy den at the end. It sometimes shares this den with a gopher, frog, an owl, snake or raccoon, getting along very peacefully with them while in the den. This tortoise’s black shell gives the appearance of lumps of coal glued together.
One unusual turtle is the Matamata of South America. Its rather flat shell has hard spikes over the top to discourage predators. It has a long neck and pointed head and paralyzes its prey by dousing it with a mouthful of poisonous spray.
A book could be written about these strange animals, but we have space for just one more, the eastern box turtle. Its high brown shell is decorated with tan figures, some of which look like letters of the alphabet. This shell provides an unusual amount of security, for the turtle can completely draw its head, tail and legs under it, with further protection from a flexible seal all around where the top shell meets the under shell. The underside hinges in the middle so it can box itself in tightly.
The Creator has given each turtle and tortoise just the right equipment for the conditions under which it lives, and the opening Bible verse expresses that this wisdom and power, beyond our ability to fully understand, comes from Him. Each of us should often thank Him for His love and goodness to us in so many ways. But we should particularly thank Him for the death of His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, on Calvary’s cross that has provided salvation to all who put their trust in Him and know Him as their Lord and Saviour.