“I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert. The beast of the field shall honor Me.”
Isaiah 43:19-20
In desert country, you may not have to travel far before seeing a jackrabbit. It may be sitting up on its hind legs watching your every move, or it may be leaping away in a zig-zag course to get out of sight. With its big ears usually pointing upward, this furry animal is a common desert dweller.
Yet all species do not have the same size ears. Those in Australia have enormous ears. These give them a keen sense of hearing, and they also act as “coolers” by giving off body heat. High body temperature is a real problem in the intense heat of that land. The ears of jackrabbits in the deserts of the United States are much shorter, since they live in colder areas and need to conserve heat in the cooler seasons. How wise our Creator was to help these active animals to be comfortable no matter where they live.
The jackrabbit has a keen sense of sight. Its eyes see in front, to the side and even behind. This, along with its keen sense of hearing, helps keep it alert to the threats of enemies. Its great hind legs enable it to make leaps and bounds at speeds up to 45 miles an hour. It can also jump 5 feet in the air while leaping 5 or 10 feet in distance. If it is being chased by an enemy, it can even do better.
This rabbit is a cousin of the desert jackrabbit. This species can live comfortably in the cold northland. It has long, strong hind legs like its relatives of the south, but its ears are much shorter since it needs to conserve its body heat in that climate.
The one thing that sets it apart from the others more than anything else is the “snowshoes” it wears in winter. Its feet, about twice the size of a jackrabbit’s, have toes spread wide apart. As winter approaches, long hairs grow between the toes forming a pad. This permits it to walk on top of the snow and easily leap through it in 10foot jumps.
In addition, God gives it a white winter coat in exchange for the brown one of summer. When sitting still on the snow, it is almost invisible. Toward spring as the snow melts and rocks and brown soil begin to appear among patches of white snow, this rabbit’s white coat changes to a mottled one, helping it to blend with the ground. When all the snow is gone, its coat returns to brown again for the summer.
These animals do not stop to think about God’s care over them or the special features He gave them when they were created. God’s care over us is very real too, and we should think about not only His care, but His great love for us. For those who know that love and have found salvation through faith in His Son Jesus Christ and His death on Calvary, He encourages each one to “[cast] all your care upon Him; for He [cares] for you” (1 Peter 5:7).
FEBRUARY 2, 1997
“Be sure your sin will find you out.”
Numbers 32:23