2 Kings 4:1-7
There were two boys of Israel who were soon to be taken for slaves by a man to whom their mother owed a debt and could not pay, and their father was dead. Boys are not taken to pay debts in most lands now, but it has been done in past times, and this mother and the boys were in great sorrow: perhaps they knew the man would be a hard master, at least, they would be taken from their home. Then the mother thought of Elisha, the man who taught of the Lord, and she hurried to tell him their great trouble.
Elisha could not give her money, but he asked her what she had of any value in her house; she said. all that she had was a jar of oil. Perhaps it was olive oil which was much used in that land, yet one jar full was not enough to be worth much.
Elisha told her to go to her neighbors and borrow empty dishes, not a few, but many; then, to close the door of the house, so she and her sons were alone, and to pour oil from her jar of oil into the empty dishes.
The woman did just as Elisha told her, pouring from her oil into the empty dishes, until all the dishes were full, and she said for one of the boys to hand her another dish, but he said there was not an empty one left! Then the oil stopped coming out of her jar, yet she still had her jar of oil and all the other jars full also! We do not know how much there was.
The mother told Elisha, and he said to go sell the oil and pay the man the debt, and all the money beside that, she should have for her and her children’s needs.
Was it not good the two boys could see the wonderful way the oil was given to pay the debt, and save them from being slaves? They must have been very happy, and were happy to tell Elisha their joy. Do you suppose they would not believe God’s power after that? We hope they always did. And perhaps the mother learned it was not best to get in debt. There is a verse which says to us,
“Owe no man anything.” Romans 13:7,8.
We do not see such a miracle now, yet is it not very wonderful that God causes food in such variety to grow for all the world? And we still need to thank Him for all we have, and ask His help in our needs.
And there is a debt we all owe, because of our sins. Satan is ready to make us slaves too. It was the Lord Jesus who paid the debt of sins, and He only can make us free. And he will do this for all who believe in Him.
“If the Son therefore make you free ye shall be free indeed.” John 8:36.
What other man of God made a poor widow’s oil become more? (1 Kings 17:8-16).
May we ask ourselves the question, what have we in our homes that the Lord can use for blessing to ourselves, and others?
ML 05/14/1939