Two Good Answers

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 5
Some time ago, when questioning our Sunday-school children, I received two answers which pleased me very much.
“What is faith?" was my question.
" It is believing what God says," a good many children answered, and this was a good and right answer; but presently one child said, " It is believing what God says, because God says Ah, I thought, that is better,
because faith is not only believing what God says, but believing God Himself, the One who speaks. Abraham "believed God," and not only God's promise to Him. Then, when all the others had done answering, came my other good answer:
“Faith is believing God, without asking questions."
Do you, dear children, believe what God says, because it is God who speaks through His word to you; and do you really and truly believe in Him, asking no questions? G. H.