Two Roads and Two Men

Listen from:
Matthew 7
The Lord Jesus told the people about two roads: one was a broad road and had a wide gate at which to enter; He said, many went in that gate and walked on that broad road: the other road, He said, was narrow and had a “strait” (narrow) gate, where few eered, and few walked on that narrow road. Jesus told them where the roads led to: the broad road led to Destruction, and the narrow road led to Life.
Do you think Jesus meant real roads and real gates? No, but He told of things which they all knew, or could see, to explain what they could not see. He wanted them to have everlasting life in another world, when their life on earth was over. He told them the right way to choose, He said,
“Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to Destruction, and many there be that go in thereat: Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto Life, and few there be that find it.” Matt. 7:13,14.
So the “strait”, or narrow, gate and way, was God’s way; and the wide gate and way, was their own way. Afterward Jesus told these men that He, Himself, was The Way and The Door, or Gate. He said,
“I am the Door: by Me if any man enter in he shall be saved.” John 10:9. (See also John 14:6).
Those who believe and trust the Lord Jesus “enter” God’s way to everlasting Life. It is a “strait” or narrow way, because it is the only way to God. Those who do not believe in the Lord Jesus, but go their own way, as they please, are in the broad way which leads to Destruction.
Each of us now must choose one of these ways: our own or God’s; our own way would lead to Destruction, but God’s way, through the Lord Jesus, leads to Life everlasting.
Jesus also told of two men who each built a house: one built his house upon a strong foundation of rock; the other man built his house on sand. Rain and floods and stormy winds beat against the houses: the house built on the rock was not moved by the water and winds; but the floods washed away the sand from under the other house, and it fell, and was ruined.
Jesus told the people that whoever heard His words, and believed Him, was like the man who built his house on the rock, and was safe in the storms and floods. But whoever heard His words, yet did not believe, was like the man who built his house on the Sand, and all was ruined in the floods and storms.
If we now trust Jesus„ He is our safe “Rock”, and the “storm” of God’s pushment of our sins cannot hurt us; but if we do not trust in Him, the “storm” of God’s punishment must come on us and we can not be safe, but be lost forever.
All Jesus’ words were very plain to understand, and the people felt that He spoke as One who had the right to be obeyed. He had that right, because He was Lord of all, and He still has that right.
ML 02/28/1943