Unable to Sleep

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FAR away from home, I was eating breakfast at a house where I was being very kindly entertained during the mission services. There were several children at the table who had attended the services on the previous day. There was one boy, eleven years old, who had been very seriously impressed, and I lad riot had by any means a good night’s sleep. He was too much concerned about his state as a sinner before God even to enjoy his breakfast, Presently the tears came into his eyes, and he could not go on any longer, so I asked permission to take him into the living room. I found out the cause of his trouble and soon had the joy of showing him from the Word of God how he could be saved.
We had a nice time together, and after a little prayer the tears were wiped away, and we returned to the dining room. I am quite sure that neither of us minded the interrupted breakfast! I do believe the dear boy trusted the Lord as His Saviour that day.
“My son, give Me thine heart.” Prov. 23:26,