No. 1 “the Virtuous Woman.”
At the time of the Great War, there was a keen interest taken in the changing prices. How the sugar, bread, and other things for our daily use soared up to our dismay, as also the wool, iron, etc., for our industries! Then as prices were lowered there came disaster in trade, as many had to sell at a loss. There was nothing certain, and most of us were in fear of what might happen. If we look into our Bibles we find things which cannot be changed by circumstances, and it may be well to remind each other now of some which God has called precious, and of lasting value. If we reckon with Him as to values, we shall find the true riches, and prize what is really worth the having.
It is wonderful that there can be found in this poor lost world what is precious to Him, even beautiful! Some old lines run like this: “There hath One Object been revealed below Which might commend the place; But now ‘tis gone, Jesus is with the Father!”
This is most true! Yet some dear believers are left to shine on where He has been the Light! These are precious to Him and commended to His Father as He was leaving them. Let us speak of the “Virtuous Woman” in Proverbs 31. Here is a woman of Israel, who has faith and courage to live before the Lord in the midst of people who know Him not. She orders her household, and her various employments in accord with His commands. She is a “keeper at home,” is subject to her husband, loves her children, for they rise up and call her blessed! “Her price is far above rubies” (v. 10).
Beautiful before God is the quiet home-life of a wife and mother. Should a weary one read this, I pray that she may take comfort from this Scripture, assured that her labor is not in vain. Let her get hold of God’s value of it, and she will find rest even in her toil!
The ruby is a thing of value, and beauty, and it also shines! There is a far-reaching result oftentimes, from the service which only God has seen! Verse 30 of our chapter tells her: “The woman that feareth the Lord, she shall be praised!”
The modern woman has changed her conduct, and her dress of late, till we hardly know her, and we fear she takes little or no notice of what is plainly taught in Old and New Testaments.
She is not reckoning with God! His order in Creation is unchanged. “Adam was first formed” (1 Tim. 2:13).
No. 2 “the Soul.”
If we have looked in God’s Word to find the price of a woman who fears the Lord, so must we come again to it alone, for the price of the soul! “What shall it profit a man if he gain the whole world and lose his own soul?” Listen to what God says of it: “The soul that sinneth, it shall die” (Ezekiel 18:20); and “The redemption of their soul is precious” (Psalm 49:8). Then it is lost, and has to he bought back! What Is the price? Psalm 49 tells of a very rich man, but he cannot by any of his means redeem his brother. We can tell of One Who has paid the full price, the Lord Jesus, Who once “offered Himself without spot to God.” He is now saying with outstretched arms of love and power, “Come unto Me” and be ye saved! Because of that sacrifice, so precious to God, He can say, “Deliver him from going down to the pit; I have found a ransom” (Job 33:24).
In passing a house, where all blinds are drawn, we at once suppose that someone has died, that there is a body lying in the stillness of death! What if blinds were pulled down for all the dead souls! Would there be many in our road, do you think? How about your house and mine?
Do not think it unkind if we speak in earnest tones, for our great concern today is for your abundant blessing, and fearing lest you should still neglect, and then lose this great salvation. The enemy of souls is doing his best to occupy you with business and pleasure, brushing away any serious thought.
But to refuse god’s Gift will mean, in the end, that you will have nothing; that you reckoned all wrong; and there can only be the wages of sin for you! His Word is very plain about this: “The wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life.”
No. 3 “the Blood of Christ.”
This subject seems, as I touch it, too wonderful for me, yet one would earnestly contend for the faith. The new teaching, which so many are glad to receive today, makes very little of the precious Blood of Christ. Bishops and teachers seek to do without the Atonement. Poor indeed their thoughts must be of God, and of sin in His sight! He calls it “precious” (1 Peter 1, 19); and how we love the verse, “The Blood of Jesus Christ, God’s Son, cleanseth us from all sin” (1 John 1:7). Blessedly true now. Later it will cleanse the universe. So great its value before God!
Have YOU felt its cleansing power? Long ages ago God told the people, “I have given it to you upon the altar to make an atonement for your souls” (Lev. 17:11).
His plan of salvation is the same now! The 1st Epistle of John tells about light and love; and the cleansed sinner can be in the light, because the love is also there to protect, the blood to justify!
Little dogs bark at the sun; it still shines! The modernists are barking at God’s. Holy Word, but they cannot hurt it, and it will shine still! Go to it in faith! “Seek and ye shall find!”
E. E. E.