Under What Flag?

 •  3 min. read  •  grade level: 6
"Nail your colors to the mast." This is a familiar saying, yet not many know today the incident upon which it is based.
It was on the 11th of October, 1797, that the battle of Camperdown was fought and won. During the action the main-topgallant mast of Admiral Duncan's flagship was shot away carrying the colors with it.
For a moment it looked as if H.M.S. "Venerable" had surrendered. Only for a moment, however, for seeing what had happened, Jack Crawford, a Sunderland lad, seized the flag. Running up the ratlines to the highest point of the broken mast, he nailed it at the top, using his pistol as a hammer. It was a brave action, and deservedly became famous.
“Nail your colors to the mast!" This is good advice. But first we must ask the question: Under what flag do you sail? Is it worthy of being nailed to any mast?
Life is very like a great uncharted ocean, and we resemble the little ships that are borne upon its expansive bosom. Under some flag each one of us is sailing; and just as each vessel hoists its colors when reaching port, so will each one of us stand fully declared when life is ended.
Not a few are to be found who are avowed unbelievers and opponents of the gospel. They sail under a kind of pirate flag, for they reject all authority and control, that they may be governed by their own imaginations. The Bible they do not accept at all, or at least only so far as it may commend itself to their fallen reasonings.
Others claim to be Christians, yet they have never been converted to God. Are you one of these? Your case then rather resembles that of a ship sailing under false colors. But "every one of us shall give account of himself to God." Rom. 14:1212So then every one of us shall give account of himself to God. (Romans 14:12).
It is more than likely that my reader is one of that great class of persons who have never really given these matters an hour's sober thought. If asked as to your hopes of heaven you would talk in an indefinite way about your never having done much harm to anyone, and doing your best to live a decent life. You hope that, since God is merciful, all will be well in the end.
You remind me of a dark-skinned Jamaican friend. After the Kingston earthquake he built on the old race-course a little hut to shelter himself and family. Hundreds of other huts had been put together on that field, each displaying some kind of flag, mostly Union Jacks. My friend, not wishing to be different, hoisted a flag also. It was large, but it attracted my attention chiefly because of its indistinctness. Curiosity prompted me to walk across and see under what flag the owner dwelt. I discovered him resting beneath a patchwork quilt!
Can you honestly say that your flag is any better than his? To a little bit of good behavior you add a small patch of religious observances, and another of promised improvement. It is worthless! Perhaps you complete the whole by piecing in patches of the mercy of God and of the merits of Christ. This is worse than worthless.
The right flag has been given to us by God Himself. Let us lift it up. It carries emblazoned upon it the words: JESUS ONLY!
This is what you need. This will make life worth living, and give you an entrance finally into the desired haven of the glory of God. Confess Christ as your only Hope, your Savior. "Nail your colors to the mast," for it is written, "That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God path raised Him from the dead, thou shalt be saved." Rom. 10:99That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. (Romans 10:9).