Underground Fires

 •  3 min. read  •  grade level: 8
Chips flew at a timber lot in Eugene, Oregon. The big saws at the lot whined as they cut the timber into boards. Then the plentiful supply of timber dried up, and all the heavy equipment of the mill moved elsewhere. All that was left were the chips, in some places over ten feet deep, chips that were slowly decomposing, giving off heat and producing natural gases.
A motorist drove his car over the lot. His rear tire stuck in a soft spot. He gunned the engine, and the tire spun furiously. Then it gripped, and he drove his car away. The spinning tires had produced enough heat to set the timber lot on fire. Firefighters extinguished the fire on the surface, but they couldn’t extinguish the fire that had spread underground. The firefighters were at a loss as to how they could control it.
Fire engines pumped more than ten thousand gallons of water on the area over the next week, but still there were signs the fire continued underground. Authorities worried that some unsuspecting pedestrian might walk across the lot, break through the crusty surface, and get trapped in a pit of glowing embers.
This timber lot is a little picture of the world. Many people today are walking through life without a concern for their souls. The Bible solemnly warns that persons who never come to the Lord Jesus Christ for salvation, when they leave this world, will end in a pit of fire called “hell.” Neither you nor I are guaranteed another day of life. That is why it is so important to give attention to eternal things right now and not put off the consideration of them until a later time.
People get so busy that they never stop to think about where they will spend eternity. Yes, it is true that God loves and reaches out to all men, but it is equally true that He has a supreme, ultimate, absolute hatred of sin. This hatred of sin is so great that sinners who refuse His gracious invitation to have their sins washed away in the blood of His dear Son will spend eternity in the awful place called “hell...where their worm dieth not and the fire is not quenched” (Mark 9:43-44).
Just imagine for a moment someone who insisted on walking over the timber lot even though he knew he might fall into a pit of glowing embers. Such a person would have to be a great fool. Yet the millions today who walk through this world as if hell didn’t exist are more foolish by far. Don’t trifle with God’s hatred of sin, but believe the gospel message and come to the Savior. Only in so doing can you escape the punishment your sins deserve and receive the salvation of your soul. “Be not afraid of them that kill the body....But...fear Him, which after He hath killed hath power to cast into hell; yea, I say unto you, fear Him” (Luke 12:4-5).