The unity of the assembly is so precious, it has such authority over the heart, that there is danger, when failure has set in, lest the desire for outward unity should induce even the faithful to accept evil and walk in fellowship with it, rather than break this unity. God therefore even in the days of the Apostles established this principle of individual faithfulness, of individual responsibility to God, and set it above all other considerations, for it has to do with the nature of God Himself, and His own authority over the conscience of the individual. God knoweth them that are His; here is the ground of confidence. I do not say who they are. And let those that name the name of Christ separate themselves from all evil. This is plain and clear and decisive. To maintain in practice the possibility of union between that Name and evil, is to blaspheme it.
"Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity!" Psalm 133:1.