Until the Day Break

 •  3 min. read  •  grade level: 5
I wonder if anyone ever saw anything much lovelier than a beautiful sunset, or sunrise.
I remember one time the fence had been left down in our pasture and the horses got out.
We had been told late at night that they had been seen some miles distant from our home. So early the next morning before sunrise we started out in the car to find them.
I was keeping a look out to see the sun rise, and as we went along I kept glancing back toward the northeast. In that part of the sky there were dark clouds, and as I watched for these to go I could not help thinking of that verse,
“Until the day break, and the shadows flee away.” Song of Solomon 2:17.
But what happens as they gradually do break? As we came out on the hilltop where the horses were, the sky was tinted with lovely colors. As time went on they became brighter and more lovely. The sky was shot with gold and red.
When we turned in at our road, coming home, and came up the hill, what a golden scene met our gaze there.
What was the cause of this great transformation of the dull sky? The sun – the sun coming forth in all his glory and majesty.
How much more beautiful will it be when “the Sun of righteousness shall arise with healing in His wings.” Malachi 4:2.
Even before the glorious change had really taken place, the birds were awake awaiting the coming of day.
O may we too be found watching for that day when “the Lord Himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel and with the trump of God.” 1 Thessalonians 4:16.
May our hearts be filled with joy and peace as we see this time approaching.
“The night is far spent and the day is at hand.” Romans 13:12.
The night is far spent, and the day is at hand:
No sign to be looked for; the star’s in the sky;
Rejoice then ye saints, ‘tis your Lord’s own command;
Rejoice for the coming of Jesus draws nigh.
What a day will that be when the Saviour appears:
How welcome to those who have shared in His cross!
A crown incorruptible then will be theirs,
A rich compensation for suffering and loss.
What is loss in this world, when compared to that day,
To the glory that then will from heaven be revealed?
“The Saviour is coming”, His people may say;
“The Lord whom we look for, our Sun and our Shield.”
O, as we think of that approaching day, and of what He has prepared above for us, as He has said,
“In My Father’s house are many mansions .... I go to prepare a place for you, and if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto Myself; that where I am, there ye may be also,” how our hearts ought to go out in love and praise to Him. “That where I am there ye may be also.” Think of it. Is it not wonderful? Well may we sing –
O pardon us, Lord! that our love to Thy name
Is so faint, with so much our affections to move!
Our coldness might fill us with grief and with shame,
So much to be loved, and so little to love.
O kindle within us a holy desire,
Like that which was found in Thy people of old,
Who tasted Thy love, and whose hearts were on fire,
While they waited in patience, Thy face to behold
May He ever be the only object before us, and O, that whatever we do or say, may be done for His praise and glory.
“Be Thou the object bright and fair
To fill and satisfy the heart;
My hope to meet Thee in the air,
And nevermore from Thee to part,
That I may undistracted be
To follow, serve and wait for Thee.”