Up a Tree

Narrator: Chris Genthree
Duration: 6min
 •  5 min. read  •  grade level: 6
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IN ONE OF the Indonesian islands a Chinese doctor had a hospital and natives came from near and far for medical help. Mr. Lee had a young native assistant, Ching, who became quite efficient in giving shots and administering simple remedies. The doctor would send him on his bicycle with a kit filled with various medicines to villages off in the jungles where he would treat poor sick folk who were unable to come to the hospital.
One bright morning Ching started out on his bicycle along the dusty road to a distant village, with his little kit in the carrier. He passed one rice paddy after another until the road entered the jungle. The young man was tired and as he peddled along he looked forward to the end of his journey with keen anticipation. Suddenly out of the dense undergrowth ahead of him appeared a herd of wild pigs, or peccaries, grunting and squealing fiercely. That these wild pigs can be very ferocious, when in a herd, Ching well knew. Instantly our young friend jumped from his bike and ran for the nearest tree, up which he climbed just in time to escape the mad onrush of the pigs. They ran around the tree and when they spied the abandoned bicycle, they stamped all over it, ruining it, and chewed up the kit of medicines. They were not disposed to leave in a hurry, so Ching had to stay up the tree. He was worried that he might be attacked by ants, which could cause him to loosen his grip and so fall to the ground. However, no ants attacked him, so he remained in the tree for a long while.
Back at the hospital, Dr. Lee ban to worry when his young assistant failed to return. Finally, he decided to go and look for him. In his little foreign car, he drove along the jungle road and finally entered the dark forest. He stopped several times along the way, calling out Ching’s name. What was his joy when he heard a shout coming from way up in a tree down the road. Soon he reached the spot and getting out of his car he found his young friend clinging to one of the branches.
Before Ching could descend, hover, a loud trumpeting and crashing was heard in the jungle, and a herd of elephants rushed out into the open. Elephants can be very dangerous also, and when they saw the doctor and his little car on the roadside they made a stampede in his direction. Mr. Lee scarcely had time to climb up a tree himself, bore the mad elephants rushed past. When they came to his little car they overturned it with their trunks, stamped all over it with their great feet, smashing it to pieces. The two men, both up the tree, were now helpless prisoners. Neither could help each other, and all means of escape was gone.
The elephants thrashed about the car and under the tree for some time, and then all took off into the jungle. The pigs had already disappeared with the arrival of the elephants.
Some time later, the two men heard the drone of a motor in the distance. It was a truck coming up the road. The driver saw the wreckage of the little car and stopped. Mr. Lee and his young friend hurriedly slid down from the tree and told their story. Soon they were safe inside the cab of the big truck and on their way home.
The two men up the tree were in a bad case — they were prisoners in the jungle. Their last means of escape was gone. Night was coming on and the pigs and elephants might return at any moment. Neither one could help the other.
Such is the plight of sinners in this dark world; they are under judgment, for God must punish sin, and “None... can by any means redeem his brother.” Psalms 49:7. And, Satan, the enemy of our souls, is waiting to destroy them.
But, like the kind truck driver who came along, uncalled for and unsolicited, so the Lord Jesus, that blessed Saviour of sinners, Came along the way, saw us in all our need, and took us in. He was the Samaritan in Luke 10 who found the poor man half dead on the side of the road, picked him up, brought him to the inn and cared for him. He first came to die upon the cross for sin; now He lives again in the glory of God to still save and bless poor sinners.
When the Lord once saw a man. Zacchaeus, up in a tree, He said “Zacchaeus, make haste, and come down. For to-day I must abide at thy house.” Zacchaeus was glad to come down and go with Him. Salvation came to his house that day. (Luke 19).
Those today who, realizing their need, “come down” and take Christ as their Saviour, find in Him a refuge, and He is taking them in safety, amidst the dangers and enemies of this world, home to the Father’s house. “So He bringeth them unto their desired haven.” Psalms 107:30.
“We should not trust in ourselves, but in God.” 2 Corinthians 1:9. “Salvation belongeth unto the Lord.” Psalms 3:8
Called by the Saviour in youth’s happy day,
Saved by His precious blood,
Sealed by His Spirit, kept by His power,
Made now a child of God.
If any man serve Me, let him follow Me
John 12:26