THE book of the Revelation in the common Greek text-from which was made in the main the English Authorized Version-having been edited from very few manuscripts, more various readings have been introduced by the Editors into this book than elsewhere. This has been occasioned by the discovery of further evidence. We give therefore a list of the principal of these various readings, and the authorities for and against them. It will be seen that in some places the weight of evidence is overwhelming for the amended readings; indeed in some instances we have been obliged to say "? any manuscripts," because no Greek copies are known to exist for such readings.
It must be remembered that of the Revelation the uncial manuscripts are even now comparatively few in number; still we have א A C of the great uncials, and B of the seventh century (which must not be confounded with B of the Gospels), and P of the ninth century. There are nearly a hundred cursives, varying from the tenth century. No. 38 is esteemed more valuable than many. The Syriac of the Revelation is about the sixth century (the Peshito and the Cureton Syriac not having the Revelation). C, it must be remembered, contains only portions of the book, namely, Rev. 1:1 to 3:19; 5:14 to 7:14; 7:17 to 8:5; 9:16 to 10:10; 11:3 to 16:13; 18:2 to 19:5.
The authorities for each reading will easily be understood by referring to the foregoing pages. The order is 1, Uncials; 2, Cursives; 3, Versions; 4, Fathers. Vulg.-ed. refers to the printed Vulgate of Clement viii.; Vulg.-am. to the Amiatinus manuscript.
Chapter 1:5. "Loved," P; many cursives; the Vulg. Memph. Arm. and Æth. versions; Andreas, Arethas of the Fathers. "Loves," א A C B; many cursives; the Syriac.
“Washed," B P; some cursives: Vulg. Memph. Æth.; Arethas. "Freed," א A C; some cursives; Syr.
Chapter 1:6. "Kings and priests," P; some cursives. "A kingdom, priests," א A C; some cursives; Vulg. Syr. Memph; Areth. Victorinus. B has "a palace, priests.”
Chapter 1:8. "Beginning and ending," א¹; some cursives; Vu/g. Memph. Omit, א² A C B P; many cursives; Syr. Arm. Æth.; Areth. Ambr. Primes.
"The Lord," one or two cursives. "[The] Lord God," א B P; most cursives, and versions and fathers generally.
Chapter 1:9. "Of Jesus Christ," some cursives. "In Christ Jesus," B; nearly fifty cursives; some of the Vulg. Syr. Arm.; Areth. Primas. "In Christ," A and one cursive. "In Jesus," א C P; one cursive; some of the Vulg. Memph.; Orig.
“Testimony of Jesus Christ," א³ B; some cursives; Memph. Arm. Syr.; Areth. Primas. Omit Christ, א¹ A C P; some cursives; Vulg. Æth.; Dion.
Chapter 1:11. "I am the Alpha and Omega, the first and the last: and," P; some cursives; Arm. Omit, א¹ A C B; some cursives; versions generally; Areth. Primas.
"Which are in Asia,"? any manuscripts; Memph. Omit, א A C B P; cursives generally; Vulg. Æth. Syr.; Andr. Areth. Primes.
Chapter 1:18. "Amen," א³ B; most cursives; Syr. Areal. Omit א¹ A C P; a few cursives; Vulg. Memph. Æth.; Iren. Orig.
Chapter 2:5. "Quickly," B; most cursives; Syr.; Andr. Areth. Primes. Omit, א A C P; Vulg. Memph.
Æth.; Aug. Jer. Vict.
Chapter 2:9. "Works and," א B; most cursives; Syr. Arm. Areth. Omit, A C P; some cursives; Vulg.
Memph. Æth.; Primas.
Chapter 2:13. Thy works and," B; most cursives; Syr.; Arm. Andr. Areth. Omit, א A C P; one or two cursives; Vulg. Memph. Æth.; Jer. Primes.
Chapter 2:15. "Which thing I hate," P; a few cursives; Arm. "In like manner," א A B C; many cursives; Vulg. Syr.; Areth. (P has both readings.)
Chapter 2:20. "A few things," one or two cursives; Vulg. Omit, A C B P: many cursives, and versions generally. א reads "much.”
“That woman," א C P; many cursives; versions generally. "Thy wife," A B; many cursives; Syr.; Andr. Areth. Cypr. Primas.
Chapter 2:22. "Their deeds," A; some cursives; Arm. Memph. Æth.; Cypr. Primes. "Her deeds," א C B P; many cursives; Syr. Areth. Tert.
Chapter 2:24. "And to the rest,"? any manuscripts; Vulg. Omit "and," א A C B P; cursives and versions generally.
Chapter 3:2. "God," one or two cursives; Arm. "My God," א A C B P; cursives and versions generally.
Chapter 4:11. "O Lord;" one or two cursives. "O Lord and our God," A B; many cursives; Syr. "O
Lord our God," P; some cursives, and versions generally." O Lord, the Lord and our God," א.
Chapter 5:4. "And to read," some cursives; Arm. Omit, א B P; many cursives, and versions generally.
Chapter 5:8, "Harps," many cursives; Vulg.; Cyp. Primes. "A harp," א A B P; many cursives, and versions generally.
Chapter 5:9. "Redeemed us," א B P; many cursives; Vulg. Memph. Arm. Syr.; Hipp. Cyp. Omit "us," A; Æth. one or two cursives.
Chapter 5:10. "Made us,"? any manuscripts; Vulg.-ed.; Areth. "Made them," א A B; many cursives,
am. Syr. Arm. Memph. Æth.
"Kings," B; cursives generally; Syr. Arm. Æth.; Andr. Areth. "A kingdom," א A; Vulg. Memph.;
Cyp. Primes. Fulg.
"We shall reign."? any manuscripts; Vulg.-ed.; Primes. "They shall reign," א P; some cursives; Memph. "They reign," A B; some cursives; Syr. Andr.
Chapter 5:14. "Four and twenty,"? any manuscripts; Vulg.-; Primes. Omit, א A B P; many cursives; versions-generally; Andr. Areth.
"Him that liveth forever and ever,"? any manuscripts; Vulg.-ed.; Primas. Omit, א A C B P; cursives and versions generally; Andr. Areth.
Chapter 6:1, 3, 5, 7. "And see," א B (B omits in verse 3); and omitted by A C P, with other authorities for and against in each place.
Chapter 6:17. "His wrath," A B P; most cursives; Memph. Arm. Æth.; Andr. Areth. Primes. "Their wrath," א C; one or two cursives; Vulg. Syr.; Fulg.
Chapter 8:7. "Angel," some cursives; Vulg. Memph. Arm. Æth.; Andr. Primes. Omit, א A B P; many
cursives; Syr.; Areth.
"Earth," a few cursives; Memph. Add "and the third part of the earth was burnt up," א A B P; many cursives; Vulg. Syr. Æth. Arm.; Andr. Areth.
Chapter 8:13. "Angel," P; some cursives; Arm.; Vict. "Eagle," 14 A B; many cursives; Vulg. Syr. Memph. Æth.; Areth.
Chapter 9:4. "Only," a few cursives. Omit, א A B P; many cursives; Syr. Memph. Arm. Æth.; Andr. Areth.
Chapter 9:13. "Four," B P; most cursives; Vulg.-ed.; Andr. Areth. Cypr. Omit א³ A; Vulg.-am. Syr. Memph. Æth. א¹ reads "a voice from the golden altar.”
Chapter 9:18. "Three," two or three cursives. Add "plagues," manuscripts and versions generally.
Chapter 10:1. "A rainbow," א³ P; some cursives. "The rainbow," א¹ A C B; many cursives; Areth.
Chapter 10:5. "His hand," A; a few cursives; Vulg.. "His right hand," א C B P; many cursives; Syr. Memph. Æth. Arm.; Andr. Areth. Primas.
Chapter 10:7. "Should be finished," B; some cursives. "Was finished," א A C P; many cursives; Memph.
Chapter 11:1. "And the angel stood," N' B; many cursives; Syr. Arm.; Vict. Omit, א¹ A P; many cursives; Vulg. Æth. Memph.; Areth.
Chapter 11:2. "Within," א; a few cursives; Vict. "Out-side," A B P; many oursives; Vulg. Memph. Arm. Æth. Syr.; Andr. Areth. Primas. Ticho.
Chapter 11:4. "God," a few cursives; Arm. "Lord," א A C B P; many cursives; Vulg. Syr. Memph.; Hippol. Areth. Vict. Primas.
Chapter 11:8. "Our Lord," one or two cursives. "Their Lord," א³ A C B P; most cursives; versions generally; Orig. Andr. Areth. Primas. Ni reads "the Lord.”
Chapter 11:17. "And art to come," a few cursives; Vulg-ed. Memph. Arm. Omit, is א A C B P; many cursives; Vulg. am. Syr.; Areth. Cyp. Primas.
Chapter 12:12. "The inhabiters of," a few cursives. Omit, manuscripts and versions generally.
Chapter 12:17. "Christ"? any manuscripts; Vulg-ed.; Primas. Omit, manuscripts and versions generally.
“I stood," B P, most cursives; Memph.; Andr. Areth. “It stood," א A C; a few cursives; Vulg. Syr. Æth. Arm.; Vict. Ticho.
Chapter 13:7. "Tribe," a few cursives; Memph. Arm. Add "and people," א A C B P; most cursives; Vulg. Æth. Syr.; Andr. Areth. Iren. Primas.
Chapter 13:17. "Or the name," a few cursives; Vulg.-ed. Omit "or," A B P; many cursives; Vulg.-am. Memph. Arm. Æth. Syr.; Hippol. Andr. C reads "the mark of the name;" א "the mark of the beast, or his name."
Chapter 14:1. "A Lamb," P; some cursives; Arm. Andr. "The Lamb," א A C B; many cursives; Memph. Syr.; Orig, Meth. Areth.
“Having," P; one or two cursives. Add "his name and," א A C B; cursives and versions generally.
Chapter 14:3 "As it were," A C; a few cursives; Vulg. Omit, א B P; many cursives; Syr. Memph. Arm. Æth. Syr.; Orig. Meth. Areth. Primas.
Chapter 14:5. "Before the throne of God,"? any manuscripts; Vulg.-ed. Omit, manuscripts and versions generally.
Chapter 14:13. "And their," B; many cursives; Andr. Areth. "For their," א A C P; a few cursives; Vulg. Syr.; Primas.
Chapter 15:2. "Over his mark [and]," a few cursives; Andr. Areth. Omit, א A C B P; many cursives; Vulg. Syr. Memph. Arm. Æth.
Chapter 15:3. "Saints,"? any manuscripts. "Nations," א³ A B P; many cursives; Memph.. Æth,; Andr. Areth. Cyp. “Of [the] ages,” א¹, C; a few cursives; Vulg. Syr.
Chapter 15:6. "In.... linen," (14) (B) P; many cursives; Vulg.-ed. Arm. Syr. "With a.... stone," A C; two or three cursives; Vulg.-am.
Chapter 16:1. "Vials," P; a few cursives; Memph. Æth. "Seven Vials," א A C B; many cursives; Vulg. Syr. Arm.; Andr. Areth. Primas.
Chapter 16:3. "Angel," B; many cursives; versions generally. Omit, א³ A C P; a few cursives; Æth.
Chapter 16:4. "Angel," a few cursives; Syr. Memph. Arm. Omit, א A C B P; many cursives; Vulg. Æth.
Chapter 16:5. "O Lord,"? any manuscripts; Vulg.-ed. Æth Omit א AC B P; the cursives; Vulg.-am. Syr. Memph. Arm.
Chapter 16:7. "Heard another out of the altar,"? any manuscripts; Vulg.-ed. "Heard the altar,” א A C P; cursives and versions generally.
Chapter 16:8. "Angel," א; some cursives; Vulg.-ed. Arm. Memph.; Andr. Primes. Omit, A C B P; many cursives; Vulg.-am. Syr. Æth.; Areth.
Chapter 16:10 and 12. "Angel," some cursives; Memph. Omit, manuscripts and versions generally.
Chapter 16:14. "Of the earth and," one or two cursives. Omit, א A B; cursives and versions generally.
Chapter 16:17. "Angel," א³; some cursives; Vulg.-ed. Omit, א¹ A B; many cursives; Vulg.-am. Syr.
“Of heaven," B; many cursives; Arm.; Andr. Areth. Omit, A; few cursives; Vulg. Syr. Memph.; Primas. "Of God," א.
Chapter 17:8. "And yet is,"? any manuscripts. "And shall be present," A B P; cursives generally; Arm.; Hipp. Andr. Areth. Primas. א¹ has "And shall again be present.”
Chapter 17:16. "Upon the beast,"? any manuscripts; Vulg. ed. "And the beast," א A B P; the cursives; Vulg.-am. Syr. Memph. Æth.; Hipp. Primas.
Chapter 18:2. "Is fallen, is fallen," A; some cursives; Vulg. Syr.; Hipp. "Is fallen," א B; many cursives; Memph. Æth.; Primas. Areth. P reads "Is fallen" three times.
Chapter 17:3. "Have drunk of," P; many cursives. "Have fallen by," א A C B; some cursives; Memph. Æth.
"The wine of," א B (P); many cursives; Syr. Memph. Vulg.-ed. Arm.; Hipp. Areth. Ticho. Primes. Omit, A C; Vulg.-am.
Chapter 17:6. "You," some cursives; Vulg.-ed. Omit, א A. C B P; many cursives; Vulg.-am. Syr. Æth. Memph.; Hipp. Cyp.
"Unto her," P; some cursives; Syr. Memph. Æth. Omit, א A C B; many cursives; Vulg.; Hipp.
Chapter 17:13. "Cinnamon," א³ B, many cursives; Vulg.-ed. Memph. Arm.; Primas. Add "and amomum," א¹ A C P; some cursives; Vulg.-am. Syr. Æth.; Hipp.
Chapter 17:14. "Goodly are departed," one or two cursives. "Goodly are destroyed," א A C B P; most cursives; Vulg. Syr. Memph. Æth.; Hipp. Primas.
Chapter 17:20. "Holy apostles," C; a few cursives; Vulg.-ed. Arm. "Saints and apostles," א A B P; many cursives; Vulg.-am. Syr. Memph. Æth.; Hipp. Areth. Tich. Primes.
Chapter 19:1. "And honor," a few cursives; Memph.; Areth. Omit, א A C B P; many cursives; Syr. Vulg. Arm.
Chapter 19:6. “God," A; a few cursives; Memph. Arm. Æth." Our God," א³ B P; many cursives; Vulg. Syr.; Areth. Ticho. "God our Lord," א¹
Chapter 19:17. "Supper of the great God," a few cursives; Arm. Æth.; Andr. "The great supper of God," א A B P; most cursives; Vulg. Syr. Memph.; Ticho. Primas.
Chapter 20:9. "From God," א³ B P; many cursives; Vulg. Syr. Memph. Arm. Omit, A; a few cursives; Primas.
Chapter 20:12. "God," one or two cursives;?Andr. "The throne," א A B P; most cursives; versions generally.
Chapter 20:14. "Second death," some cursives; Vulg.-ed. Arm. Memph.; Primas. Add "The lake of fire," א A B P; many cursives; Vulg.-am. Syr. Æth.
Chapter 21:2. "John,"? any manuscripts; Vulg.-ed. Omit, א A B P; cursives and versions generally.
Chapter 21:3. "Heaven," B P; most cursives, and versions generally; Andr. Areth. "The throne," א A; one or two cursives; Vulg.; Iren. Aug. Ambr.
“[And be] their God," A P; some cursives; Vulg. Syr.; Iren. Ambr. Omit, א B; many cursives; Memph. Arm.; Areth.
Chapter 21:7. "All things," one or two cursives. "These things," א A B P; most cursives; versions generally.
Chapter 21:10. "That great city, the holy," some cursives. "The holy city," א A B P; many cursives; versions and fathers generally.
Chapter 21:24. "And honor," B; many cursives; versions generally. Omit, א A P; some cursives.
Chapter 22:1. "Pure," some cursives; Arm.; Andr. Areth. Omit, א A B P; some cursives; versions generally; Hil. Ambr. Ticho. Primas.
Chapter 22:6. "Holy prophets," a few cursives; Arm. "Spirits of the prophets," א A B P; many cursives; Vulg. Syr. Memph.; Primas. Areth.
Chapter 22:11. "Let him be righteous," two or three cursives; Vulg.-ed. Arm. Æth. "Let him practice righteousness," א A B; many cursives; Vulg.-am. Syr. Memph.
Chapter 22:12. "Shall be," B; many cursives; Andr. Areth. "Is," א A; a few cursives; Syr.
Chapter 22:14. "Do his commandments," B; many cursives; Syr. Memph. Arm.; Cyp. Tert. Ticho. "Wash their robes," א A; a few cursives; Vulg. Æth.; Ath. Fulg. Primas.
Chapter 22:19. "Out of the book,"? any manuscripts; Vulg.-ed. Amd). Primes. "From the tree," א A B; most cursives; Vulg.-am. Syr. Æth. Arm.; Andr. Ticho.
Chapter 22:20. "Even so," many cursives. Omit, א A B; some cursives; versions generally.
Chapter 22:21. "Our Lord," a few cursives; Vulg. Syr. Memph. Arm. "The Lord," א A B; many cursives. "Christ," B; many cursives; Vulg. Syr. Memph. Arm. Æth. Omit, R A; one or two cursives.
"You all,"? any manuscripts; Vulg.-ed. "All,” A; Vulg.-am. "The saints," R. "All the saints," B; many cursives; Memph. Syr. Arm.; Andr. Areth.