
Boyd’s Bible Dictionary:

(tearer). A large falconoid bird, with naked head and neck, feeding mostly on carrion. The bird is pronounced unclean (Lev. 11:14; Deut. 14:13); but the original implies the kite, as also in Isaiah 34:15.
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Concise Bible Dictionary:

There are three words so translated.
1. ayyah, a bird of keen sight (Job 28:7). It is supposed to be a species of KITE, as the Hebrew is translated (Lev. 11:14; Deut. 14:13).
2. dayyah, a bird inhabiting ruins: supposed to be another species of KITE (Deut. 14:13; Isa. 34:15).
3. daah, a bird of rapid flight (Lev. 11:14); supposed to be the falcon; the word occurs here only. These are all classed among the unclean birds. For the true vulture see EAGLE.
Black-Winged Kite
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