
 •  4 min. read  •  grade level: 7
Wages! How important it is to each of us that our earnings―our wages―at least meet our needs! From the simplest acts of the laborer, paid by the day; the factory-worker whose pay is received weekly; the office and clerical employee remunerated bi-monthly or monthly; the farmer who collects for crops, herds, or flocks whenever they mature or are marketable; to the officer or financier whose greatest effort may be in calculating interest or investing the surplus―every one of these―and others―ask: "What do I get out of this? What will be the wages?”
Let's see what the Word of God has to say about "wages." Rom. 6:23 tells us: "The wages of sin is death." But God doesn't leave us there; that is not His final conclusion. What grace and mercy follow! "But the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.”
John and Mack were "on vacation," as they said, for the summer. They were friendly young men and very diligent in picking up "odd jobs" to help the store-keepers in the little town in which they had chosen to spend their free time.
One merchant in particular favored these "vacationers" with many such "odd jobs"; and as the summer wore on, they spent much time in his store. The two young men exerted themselves to be pleasant and helpful and they soon won the confidence of their benefactor. Indeed, so much did the merchant trust them that before the end of summer he became quite confidential with them.
One night as the store-keeper was preparing to close up, he explained to his young helpers that he never left money in the safe as it could be blown open.
Instead, as he showed them, he removed some boxes from an upper shelf, and placed his day's receipts carefully in a smaller box among the merchandise.
Just as carefully he replaced the merchandise and boxes, commenting smugly that "no one would think to look there." However, one important thing he failed to mention: just two blocks away was the police station, and connected by direct line with it was every door and window of this store. Any tampering with these openings would immediately set off an alarm at the police station.
When Saturday night approached, the young men watched the store-keeper as he, more carefully than usual, hid the bag containing his day's receipts among the merchandise. Surely Satan, the enemy of souls, was at hand to tempt the two with the prospect of "easy money," and, having no scruples nor conscience in the matter they were taken captive of him at his will.
In the dark of that midnight these trusted friends, as the deceived merchant had called them, quietly forced open the door and as quickly as possible seized the heavy bag of money. But to their amazement the midnight air was suddenly full of screeching sirens; and as they frantically sought to escape, they found police cars and officers blocking every exit.
Grabbing the money bag, one of the thieves raced out the back door. There a policeman spied him and gave chase. Calling to the running man, the officer ordered, "Halt!" Four times he uttered the usual command, but to no avail. The thief ran faster, trying to dodge the officer's bullets as they whined at hand. Four times the officer called, and four times the shots rang out. One hit the target, and the dead thief was found lying face down, still gripping the money bag from which the stolen money was spilling. His partner was found, too, crouching among the merchandise that had proved to be such a poor hiding place.
In both cases, sin had claimed its wages: for one young man, a blighted life and years of imprisonment; for the slain thief, the awful doom of death. How terrible for a lost sinner to fall into the hands of the living God!
"It is appointed unto man once to die, but after this the judgment." Heb. 9:27.
Sinner, God's love follows you as you race to your doom. Tenderly He calls and would bring you to Himself. Heed Him now ere it is too late, for He says: "Him that cometh to Me I will in no wise cast out." John 6:37.