Waiting for the Lord

 •  2 min. read  •  grade level: 5
DURING a visit to A—, I became acquainted with Mrs. Mac P., an aged Christian, who had experienced much trial and suffering, but who in early life had chosen that good part that cannot be taken away. In all her journey through life she has proved the reality of these words, “I will never leave thee nor forsake thee.” Though confined to her bed during long years, she was never heard to complain, but always spoke of the goodness and loving-kindness of the Lord.
On being asked, “Don’t you weary of lying there all day long?” she replied, “Oh, no; the Lord is good and kind to me. He has left me my sight, and I can read His blessed word, and He comes Himself and keeps me company.”
On another occasion, sitting down by her bed, I inquired, “How are you today?”
“Oh, I am very well,” she said; “but talk to me of Christ and the coming glory. It cannot be long now.”
When I last saw her she was suffering much, and very weak. Bending over her, I said, “You are suffering much today.”
“Yes,” was her reply, “but the Lord knows of me, and He won’t send any more pain than He will give me grace to bear.”
“Is the Lord Jesus near you? Is He precious to you?”
“Jesus, precious Jesus,” was all she was able to say, while a sweet smile lit up her countenance, truly testifying that hers was a joy unspeakable and full of glory. She still lives, always in the same happy spirit, patiently waiting to be with her Lord.
Reader, is Jesus precious to you? He is the One to be desired above all, He and He alone can cheer, comfort and sustain, whether in life or in death. His love is beyond the power of words to express. K. R.