Wants to be Helped to Heaven

Dear Doctor,
I received your Active Service. Testament. I want to be a follower of the Lord Jesus Christ, and so I go every night to the meetings at the Soldiers’ Home. I shall be much obliged if you will help me to heaven, please. I have been a sinner, a great sinner, but I have trusted the Lord Jesus Christ, as I have read John 3:16 and John 3:36 over and over again. I read these verses every night before I go to bed. Will you also please write to my father, as he has been a great sinner, I send you his address ... I shall be glad if you will show him the way to heaven.
Pet. G. D―
Of course all these are written to, and I ask your prayers that God will bless each one. I have no room for more letters now, but I do ask you to help me to get Testaments to send to all who are asking for them. God is working by His Spirit, and He is blessing in a marked way the reading of His Word. My great want is Testaments for all nations. See last page.
Yours for Christ’s sake,
Heyman Wreford.