SOME seven or eight years ago there lived at Klerksdorp, Transvaal, two young men, boon companions, godless, indifferent characters, imbued with infidel teachings, scoffers at Christianity.
Suddenly, without warning, one of them was gripped by the icy hand of Death, and hurried into eternity, there to face the reality of things at which he scoffed on earth.
I will repeat the story as it was given to me.
“The survivor was greatly moved by the sudden termination of their friendship in such a manner. One night, very shortly after his friend's sudden death, before undressing, he lay down on his bed, and gave himself up to thoughts of his mode of life and of his late companion, when, to his horror, close alongside his bed, he saw an open coffin containing the body of his dead friend. As he gazed in terror upon the vision he saw the corpse open its lips, and one word fell distinctly upon his ears—burning into his soul like a red-hot branding-iron—one word only—' HELL'—and the vision faded.
“Terror-stricken and conscience-pricked, the poor fellow realized that Hell ' was no myth, and that he as a sinner, a helpless, hopeless sinner, stood trembling on the edge of that terrible abyss; and such was the effect of that awful visitation that for a while afterward many thought him deranged.
“Not long afterward a wondrous light burst upon his soul; he heard the good news that a Mighty Arm was stretched out to save him; that Jesus, the sinner's Savior, had borne the consequences of his sins, and was ready now, aye, and eager, to snatch him from the awful peril in which he stood. With joy this soul, prepared so remarkably, turned to Him, and was safely sheltered from judgment beneath that strong Arm. With heart filled with joy and peace, he thanked God for the terrible experience that had opened his eyes.”
My reader may give a contemptuous shrug of the shoulders and say, "It was only a dream." Perhaps it was, perhaps not; one thing is certain-it was a warning from God.
The warning was heeded, and this precious soul was snatched as a brand from the eternal burning. To-day he lives as a testimony to the saving power of his Savior.
Reader, the One who saved that man wants to save you. “The Son of Man is come to seek and to save that which was lost.” (Luke 19:10.)
You may despise and forget God's warning now, but when “the dead, small and great, stand before God," memory will be a silent but terrible witness.
"'Remember,' like a peal of thunder falls
Full on the ear. The stubborn knee bows down,
And like the corn before the reaper lies,
Prone at His footstool all, while prayers arise.
Alas! too late, for Justice with a frown
Turns from their cry, and loud on vengeance calls.”
Be wise. Heed God's warnings, and you, too, may rejoice in His salvation.
C. J. B.