BEFORE going to my daily duty some years back I was called on by a member of a family living about ten minutes' walk, to visit their father who was ill. God blessed the visit, or rather His word to the salvation of his soul. Oh, the grace of God to save sinners.
I had heard this man using foul language to his wife as I was one night passing from my work; so he could not boast of being good. He had lived far, far from God, but when exercised, took the place of a sinner and accepted God's salvation. I marked John 3:16 in a Testament I left with him, and I put a text over his bed. He passed away to be with his Saviour not long after. His daughter was taken ill and wanted the same text put over her bed, and she too died happy in the Lord.
Thus father and daughter went to swell the praises of heaven unto Him that loved us and washed us from our sins in his own blood. To him be glory" (Rev. 1:5).
Dear reader, are your sins washed away in the blood of the Lamb?
A. C. W.