Wayside Incidents.

No. 1. Are You in the Right Road?
AS I was going from Hackney to London, the other day, a young lady stopped the omnibus and got in. After she had been seated some little time, she turned towards me, and said, “This bus is going to Hackney, is it not?” “No, my friend,” said I, “we have just come from there.” She at once stopped the conductor, and told him she had made a mistake, and of course got out. Another young woman, sitting opposite to me, said, “What a mistake, to be sure!” I said, “Yes, there are many who get into the wrong road for heaven, and don’t care about the right one.” She said there were. I felt that she was a sinner like myself, and needed salvation; so, looking to God for His help and guidance, I asked her, “Are your sins forgiven?” She said, “I hope so.” “But,” said I, “why do you hope? why are you not quite sure? There are many I fear who will never get to heaven, who say they hope their sins are forgiven. Now (I continued) I can say my sins are forgiven, because I believe what Jesus says, ‘The blood of Jesus Christ, God’s Son, cleanseth from all sin.’ Can’t you believe that too?” She did not reply, and I told her she would never know what real happiness was until she took God at His word, and then she might know for a certainty that all her sins were forgiven. “I know I never shall be really happy till then,” she replied. I said, “Well, now, Jesus says, ‘Whosoever believeth on me hath everlasting life.’ Can’t you believe that? And again, ‘And shall not come into condemnation, but is passed from death unto life.’ Can you believe that? We are by nature dead; but Christ presents life to us all, as a free gift, if we will only accept it. Oh! don’t be found in the wrong road, but be in that which leads to glory and heaven, not that which leads to misery and hell.” As we both got out together, I gave her these scriptures, praying that God would bless them to her: “He that heareth my word, and believeth on Him that sent me, Hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation, but is passed from death unto life.” “The blood of Jesus Christ, God’s Son, cleanseth from all sin.”
Now, dear readers, which road are you in? Oh! don’t sit quietly, and never ask where you are going. Stop, I entreat you, ere it be too late, ―stop and receive Christ as your Saviour, or else you never will know happiness, peace, or pardon. The blood of Jesus Christ is the only thing that can or will cleanse you. Oh! take God at His word, and you are saved at once.
Don’t be like the young woman you have just been reading about, and hope your sins are forgiven, but be sure, and do not rest until you can say, “I know that Jesus has washed away all my sins in His precious blood, because ‘The blood of Jesus Christ, God’s Son, cleanseth from all sin.’”