STRIKING instance of the truth of these words, was forced on the attention of a family living in the village of C.
It was a bright day in the month of October, when a household party; including the servants, were met together for family prayer. There were some dozen souls in all, and in the course of reading the chapter (2 Sam. 14), the above quoted words came in.
My friend, I would pause and ask you, have you considered the words? “We must needs die.” It may be, that you, like the one of whom I now write, will read them for the last time; see to it then, I beseech you, let death come how or when it may.
Slowly the words were read, the chapter was ended, and after the prayer the party dispersed to fulfill their various duties. But one in that little group had joined for the last time in those family prayers, and the following morning at the same time, and on the same occasion, her seat was empty.
Not twelve hours later, and confusion reigned in the house. “What is the matter?” I asked of a terrified servant standing near. “M. H. has been taken ill,” was the answer.
It was indeed true. She was standing busy at her work as usual, when she suddenly complained of great pain in her head, and in a few minutes she was unconscious. Only two more hours elapsed, and with no return of consciousness she was gone. Oh! happy was it for that woman, thus suddenly called, that she had long since come to the Lord Jesus as a lost sinner, and had found Him to be her precious Saviour, and more than this, she had shown to her fellow servants, and to all who knew her, that she was truly a changed person.
Dear reader, as an inmate of the house where this occurred, and as one who could not but feel deeply the solemnity of such a circumstance, I would plead with you. Oh, think no more of a deathbed conversion. That were only madness and folly; had the one of whom I write trusted to this, I shudder to think where her soul would now be. To her, sudden death was but sudden glory, but I fear that with some of my readers, sudden death might be sudden gloom, and that forever. Come now to that Saviour, in whom she trusted, and then were you to be called as she was, without any warning, to face the realities of eternity, you could meet your Lord and Saviour with joy.
Christ’s word to you today is “Him that cometh unto me, I will in no wise cast out” (John 6:39); but the time is fast approaching when the Saviour shall descend from heaven with a shout, and all those who know and love Him, shall be caught up to meet Him in the air to be forever with Him. Joyful, blessed time for them! But will you be there? If you would be, this day decide for Christ. Come as you are, and you will find Him a precious Saviour—but come at once, for—
“The Saviour soon will rise
And close the open door,
Then all who have refused to come
Will hear of grace no more.”
E. C. R.
THE blessed fact that “The Father sent the Son to be the Saviour of the world” is the conclusive proof that man is already lost. Being lost, I am not in despair, but filled with Joy, as I find I am just the one Jesus came for as He said, “The Son of Man is come to seek and to save that which was lost.”