277. We Speak of the Mercy of God
We speak of the mercy of God,
So boundless, so rich, and so free!
But what will it profit thy soul,
Unless ’tis relied on by thee?
We speak of salvation and love,
By the Father in Jesus made known;
But if thou would’st live unto God,
By faith thou must make it thine own.
We speak of the Savior’s blest name,
By which God can sinners receive;
Yet still art thou lost and undone,
Unless in that name thou’lt believe.
We speak of the blood of the Lamb,
Which frees from pollution and sin;
But its virtues by thee must be proved,
Or thou wilt be ever unclean.
We speak of the glory to come,
Of the heaven so bright and so fair;
But unless thou in Jesus believe,
Thou shalt not, thou canst not be there.