We Would See Jesus

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 7
“WE would see Jesus." All our heart's deep yearning
Is gathered up in this.
For this we wait, while dimly here discerning
His wondrous loveliness.

“We would see Jesus." Broken cisterns failing
Our thirst to satisfy;
All earthly sources proving unavailing
True gladness to supply.

“We would see Jesus." Here is naught but sorrow
And weariness and pain;
But, when we see Thee on the blissful morrow,
Our hearts shall sing again

For very gladness. All the pathway ended,
In which we've learned to prove
The grace and patience of the One ascended
To God's right hand above.

Then we shall praise the way the Lord has brought us
The weary desert through,
Shall see the, wondrous lessons He has taught us
Unfolded to our view.

Our eyes shall then behold in heavenly glory
The One for us who died.
Then, when His love unfolds redemption's story,
We shall be satisfied.
N. T.