WHAT an immense difference there is between the position, portion, and prospect of a saint and a sinner.
A saint is one who is separated to God by the Spirit of God and the precious blood of the Lord Jesus Christ.
A saint is a person who has got the present and eternal forgiveness of all sins; has everlasting life in the Son of God; is saved forever; is in-dwelt by the Holy Spirit; is “accepted in the Beloved;” is complete in Christ; is a member of Christ’s body, of His flesh, and of His bones; and is made meet to be a partaker of the inheritance of the saints in light.
In short, a saint is one who has judgment behind him; hell shut under his feet; heaven open over his head; everlasting glory full in front of him; there is only a spider’s web between him and the glory; by faith he can see Jesus in glory; and he only waits for Jesus to rise up, put His feet upon the spider’s web, and then he and Jesus will be wrapped in each other’s embrace forever.
“He and I in that bright glory One deep joy shall share;
Mine, that I am ever with Him, His, that I am there.”
But a sinner is one who loves his sins and his pleasures in preference to the Savior and pardon; he is unforgiven, unpardoned, and unsaved; he is a refuser of the love of God, a rejecter of the Christ of God, a resister of the Spirit of God, and a deliberate destroyer of his own precious and immortal soul.
In short, a sinner is one who has glory behind his back; “eternal judgment” staring him in the face; heaven is closed over his head, and hell is open in front of him; he is a child of wrath on his road to the lake of fire, and ready for it.
Which are you, a saint or a sinner?