What About Your Soul?

 •  4 min. read  •  grade level: 5
Some few years ago a young farmer walked into my consulting room. He looked worn and nervous, and had all the appearance of having undergone great mental anxiety. He complained of loss of sleep, no appetite for food, and frequent attacks of palpitation of the heart.
After listening to this description of his bodily discomforts, I wrote him a prescription; and as he rose to take his leave, I said: "You have been telling me the story of your bodily sufferings; but what about your soul? Do you know anything of the Lord and His salvation?"
I can never forget the smile of joy and peace that immediately lighted up his face as he again seated himself. He said: "Ah, sir, I thank God I can now say that my soul is resting on Jesus; but as you have spoken to me on that subject, I must tell you that the agonies of conviction I have gone through have helped to cause my physical distress and brought me to ask advice from you this day."
"How were you awakened to a sense of your lost condition; and what means did God use to bring you to a knowledge of the Savior?"
"Sir," he replied, "I was a godless, thoughtless young man, living for pleasure and in sin, running after the world's vanities; spending my leisure moments with companions like-minded, heedless of God or eternity, and never feeling my need of salvation.
"I worked on my uncle's farm. He cared nothing for me as long as I did my duty. One day while at work in the field, I heard, as if it were the voice of God speaking to me. His words were clear and plain: `You are going to hell and eternal ruin.'
"I shook and trembled. My soul was in agony. Night and day those words haunted me: 'You are going to hell.'
"The horrors of the pit of woe were then before my mind. I tried to get away from them, but in vain. I couldn't sleep. I tossed all night in mental agony upon my bed. I tried hard to drown my thoughts by dissipation. It was like oil poured upon the fire of my soul. I then thought I would turn over a new leaf, and gain peace and relief to my soul by being religious. I began to attend church, to read my prayer-book, and to attend regularly all the church services. But all I did only seemed to make my condition worse, and I became almost frantic.
"Then I thought I'd call on the minister. When I did, he asked me what was my trouble. 'Oh, sir,' I said, 'can you tell me how I am to be saved from hell?'
“‘My good fellow,' he replied, `do your duty! Attend church, say your prayers, and be regular at holy communion, and you may hope to get saved.'
"Sir,' I said, 'I have done all that, but I can get no peace. Sleep is out of the question and I am in agony. Can you not help me to be saved?'
"My good fellow, you are needlessly alarmed. I can only tell you to continue your religious duties.'
"I realized it was of no use talking to him, so I left. I was in despair when I heard of another minister in the neighborhood, a godly man, so I went to him and poured out the anguish of my soul before him.
"He listened to my story, and, assured that God had begun a good work in me, he said, 'My young friend, the Spirit of God has convicted you of sin, and shown you your lost condition, so that He may lead you to the Savior. You have not gone to the only source of pardon! The precious blood of the Lord Jesus Christ was shed upon Calvary to cleanse believers from sin and make them fit for glory. You have been trying to save yourself, striving to make yourself better. That way you never can get peace. God settled all with the death of His own eternal Son on the cross for your sins. There He laid them on Jesus more than 2000 years ago. He who died for your sins, and was your Substitute in that awful death, is now risen and in glory, where He waits to save you. Will you simply rest in what He has done?'
"Blessed be God, in a moment I saw it all. I had been trying to get rid of my sins, which God had forever put away on the cross by His own Son! My soul found rest and joy at once in believing."
Dear reader, God says in His Word, "But if our gospel be hid, it is hid to them that are lost: in whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them." 2 Cor. 4:3, 43But if our gospel be hid, it is hid to them that are lost: 4In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them. (2 Corinthians 4:3‑4). If you are unsaved and still careless about your eternal welfare, it is you who are deluded by Satan.
"Faith is the way of life;
Believe in Christ and live;
Fly to the shelter of His blood,
And peace with God receive."