What Did You Do?

 •  2 min. read  •  grade level: 6
Many a man boasts of his morality—that he is not a drunkard, nor a cheat, nor a liar. These negative virtues make one quite acceptable to mankind, but they will not suffice for admission to the presence of God. Something more is required for an entrance into glory.
After a gospel meeting not long ago a young man stopped to talk with me. He was attracted by the gospel message, hoped to go to heaven, but told me he thought he was all right because he lived a clean life, went to meetings, and even partook of the Lord's Supper. "Did the Lord Jesus die for you?" "Yes," was the ready answer. He was rather startled when I asked him. "Of what dreadful crimes have you been guilty that required the Son of God to die for you?
"If I were to take you to a neighboring cemetery and showed you a grave there, and told you that in it lay the body of a dear friend who, to satisfy the claims of the law, had died in my stead, I think I can see you start in horror and surprise from my side. You would ask in frightened tones, Why, what awful crime have you committed?
"O friend, there is an empty sepulcher in Judea where the body of my Savior lay. He died to save my soul from hell. He died to satisfy the claims of the law. He died to cleanse me from all sin. He died to bring me to God. I can tell you with humble gratitude that I am right with God now, but not apart from the atoning death of my Savior and Lord.
"Nay, further, I can point you to a filled throne, the complement of the empty sepulcher, the proof that God is satisfied with the work done by His beloved Son, and the assurance that my sins are forgiven for 'His name's sake.'
"Again I ask: Of what have you been guilty that Jesus must die for you? Do you not know that, as children of Adam, we were born with fallen, sinful natures? The Psalmist tells us we were shapers in iniquity, and born in sin (Psa. 51:5), and Paul says in Romans 7:14 that we are sold under sin. The first man Adam sold out to Satan. But thanks be to God, the Second Man, the Lord from heaven, bought us back—redeemed us with His own precious blood."
Dear soul, have you acknowledged your sinful state before God and been forgiven by trusting in the perfect work of that wonderful Savior? Get right with God! Claim His promises, for He is LONG-SUFFERING, "NOT WILLING THAT ANY SHOULD PERISH, BUT THAT ALL SHOULD COME TO REPENTANCE." 2 Peter 3:9.