What Has Jesus Done for Me?

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It was on a Sunday afternoon. The Sunday school was being held, and a hymn well known and well liked by the scholars was being sung. It was the one beginning—
“O! what has Jesus done for me?
He pitied me, my Saviour;
My sins were great—His love was free,
He died for me, my Saviour.”
The chorus is:
“Jesus, Lord Jesus,
Thy name is sweet, my Saviour;
Soon shall I see Thee face to face,
My wondrous, blessed Saviour.”
The superintendent of the school then asked the children to write down what the Lord Jesus had done for them, so that the hymn’s question, “O! what has Jesus done for me?” might be answered.
The next week the replies were received and read, all names of writers being withheld, of course. And a very happy time was spent in going over the different answers that were handed in.
That superintendent is a friend of mine, and he has kindly let me see what his young friends wrote. Of course, they vary a great deal, for some of the scholars are much older than others, and were more used to putting down their thoughts. One who replied named some thirty or more things which the Lord had done for her.
A paper that I liked very much was very simple. I will let you see part of it. Here it is,
“Jesus shed. His precious blood for me.”
“He suffered on Calvary’s cross.”
“Jesus came clown to save me because He loved me so,”
“He died for me that I might be saved from death.”
“Jesus has waited a long time for me so that He might save me.”
How much this means. Christ came and suffered and died. He bore the burden that we might go free. And then He waited for her to come to Him.
Now I wonder if you can say this of the Saviour. Do you know Him and believe on Him for yourself? Perhaps “father” or “mother” is one who loves and serves Him, and happy, indeed, it is to belong to a Christian home. But that is not enough. Each one of us needs to take Christ for his own.
Think, then, what you can say in awer to the question,
“What has Jesus done for me?” The answer that springs to my lips as I look at the words is,
“The Son of God who loved me and gave Himself for me.” Gal. 2:20.
He is my Saviour, and His love to me is my joy and delight. Is it so with you?
Do not until it is. He will give you that which is far better than all that the world can supply, and you will be enabled to bring gladness to others.
ML 10/11/1942