What Is a Saviour?

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A SAVIOUR is one who saves; just in the same way as a doctor is one who cures; a banker is one who lends money; a baker is one who sells bread; each person has a special object and work, which is expressed by the name he bears.
You do not go to the banker to be cured of disease; nor to a doctor to present a check; the title of each denotes his office and character.
Just so it is with the Lord Jesus Christ. The Bible speaks of Him as “a Saviour”. Why? Because, “He shall save His people from their sins.” (Matt. 1:21.) That is His special office and work; therefore, when people want to get rid of their sins, the word is, “Go to the Lord Jesus.” Jesus Himself says, “Come unto Me.” Why then should people go to others for salvation? Men cannot save’, works cannot save, promises cannot save, crying, praying, self-denial cannot save; the word is,
“Look unto Him and he saved.”
Will the doctor cure? Yes, he will, if he can.
Will the banker pay? Yes, he will, if he has the money.
Will the baker sell? Yes, he will, if he has the bread.
With each of these there is an “if.”
There is no “if” with the Lord Jesus; the “if” is with the sinner. “If” you go to Him, He can, He will, He waits—without money, without price—to save the sinner who will only come: who will only believe on the Lord Jesus Christ.
“This is a faithful saying, and worthy of all acceptation; that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners.” 1 Tim. 1:15.
ML 05/07/1933