The Wonders of God’s Creation
“Touching the Almighty, we cannot find Him out: He is excellent in power.” Job 37:23.
An atom is the smallest, but the most important part of everything that exists. In a one-half inch cube of any material there are about one hundred thousand billion billion of them! It is the “building block” of the Creator, the material of which all things are made. Einstein, the famous scientist, claimed that if the atomic energy in one-half pound of any substance were released it would equal seven million tons of TNT.
Researchers cannot understand how the atom, which is made up of protons, neutrons and electrons, is held together. They think it is like a magnet with positive and negative forces. However, when two common magnets are placed end to end they either attract each other or push each other apart (according to how the positive and negative ends are placed). Inside an atom this does not happen. Its parts are held together, but kept separate at the same time, with space between each one of them.
An object which appears to have no movement in it actually is composed of many billions of atoms whirling around their nucleus (center) millions of times each second, yet never flying away or ever touching one another. Here is a further reminder that “God... doeth great things and unsearchable; marvelous things without number.” Job 5:8,9.