What is Christian Science?

The Error of Christian Science.
A friend who has read the late Mrs. Eddy’s book, “Science and Health,” which is the text-book of this cult, writes as follows, to show that the doctrines of Christian Science, as set forth there, are not Christian at all, but anti-Christian. The references are to “Science and Health”: ―
Mrs. Eddy denies the Deity and Humanity of Jesus; “The Virgin Mother conceived the idea of God, and gave to her ideal the name of Jesus” (pp. 29, 30, 315, 332).
She denies that Jesus died (p.44). She denies the doctrines of the Atonement (pp. 20-30), the Resurrection (pp.315, 334), the Trinity (pp. 256, 331-2), the Holy Ghost (pp. 46-7), the Second Advent (pp. 95, 96), the existence of Angels and Heaven (p. 229), the existence of Satan and Hell (pp. 207, 291, 585), the reality of prayer (pp. 7,12), the existence of sin, disease and death.
Mrs. Eddy writes (p. 475), “Man is incapable of sin; sin, sickness and death are effects of error” (p. 473); “evil has no reality,” is simply a belief (p. 584).
According to this, there has been no war, no slain millions, no devastated towns and countries, no Germans, no wounds; it’s all a fancy. Truly one must commit mental assassination to become a Christian Scientist! In fact, the founder of Christian Science denies every doctrine of the Christian faith, and still masquerades under the garb of Christ. Christian Science is a peril of perils, a sign of the times, and one of these strong delusions foretold in 2 Thess. 2:11,12, which are to mark the coming of Christ.
I could fill pages more did space permit, but conclude with a quotation from Dr, Haldeman, of New York. In his book entitled, “Signs of the Times,” he says (at p. 243); “Mrs. Mary Glover Eddy has died; a physician testifies that her death was due to pneumonia. Her appearance in death was that of an old woman. Why did she die? She taught there was no death, etc., death is an error, ‘to think oneself dead is to be deceived.’ One of her representatives explains her death by saying she passed her last days in error. Think of it, the head and founder of the Christian Science Church, the author of a book without error, ending her days in a state of error, and denying all for which she and her church has stood. She denied old age and became an old woman: she denied disease and died of pneumonia; she repudiated death and became a lifeless corpse.”
Need I say more? Flee from this apostate cult; surely the Gospel of Christ is sufficient for now and hereafter, and was never more needed than in these perilous days. ―From Perilous Times.”