What Is Due to Christ?

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 8
IF the question of the position of the soul before God is raised, it is fully answered by this, What is due to Christ? To the sinner nothing is due but wrath and condemnation—to Christ, on the contrary, who has already borne in grace that wrath and condemnation in His own person on the tree, it is only due, on the part of God, that the soul that trusts in Him should be associated with Him in the place He now has taken—yea, been exalted to—by God Himself. What a precious, heart-cheering truth. Christ has taken our place, and the judgment due to us, and now we are to get His place—for such is due to Him, and is itself a part of the righteousness of God.
Such being our place before God as the result of what is due to Christ; let us ask also, what is our place here as His saints? Again, What is due to Christ will settle this question fully in all the details of life, whether domestic, ecclesiastical, or otherwise. W. T. P. W.