What Is Hell?

 •  2 min. read  •  grade level: 6
Old Judge Roberts loved the boys in the Bible class he taught, and their souls' welfare was continually in his prayers. The old judge loved the Lord, and his heart's desire for "his boys" was that they should love Him too. As his class assembled in the little classroom for the day's lesson, the judge prayerfully opened the Bible to the selected reading. Slowly and distinctly he read: "Luke 16:19-31. There was a certain rich man...." Down to verse 23 Judge Roberts read. Then, as he read, "And in hell he lifted up his eyes, being in torments," automatically the judge himself looked up and glanced around the circle of young faces. All looked serious and thoughtful-all except one. Cynically, Dave Summers muttered, "Aw, what is hell?" There was a long, silent moment before the judge answered. Then, almost in a whisper but in deadly earnest, he spoke. "What is hell? Dave-it's HELL!" Throughout that morning and on through the day, the whispered word echoed in the mind of one boy who heard it. With deep conviction he realized that he had never accepted the one who alone could save him from such a dreadful destination-the one who loved him so much that He came from heaven to die for him. He thought of Calvary, and what it must have meant to that sinless Man on the center cross when He who knew no sin was made sin for him. He saw himself as the guilty sinner for whom Christ died. With broken heart he cried to Him for forgiveness, pardon and peace, and with thankfulness and joy he found that him that cometh to Me I will in no wise cast out. Have you realized the awfulness of hell, the place that awaits those who do not receive Christ as their Sin-Bearer? Remember, hell is eternal torment, eternal night, eternal loss-the blackness of darkness forever. Accept the death of God's Son on Calvary's cross as your own Substitute. Receive Him who was crucified, laid in the tomb and rose again the third day victorious over death and hell. Now in heaven He longs for your salvation. God is not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.